Should innocent creatures suffer for human vanity? Are there any alternatives to animal testing? Often times, cosmetic companies conduct animal testing to prove the efficacy and safety of their products prior to selling in certain international markets. Without the intent of ever making the test humane for the benefit of the animal. Countless of helpless animals have been left injured because of this and in some cases, have died. Animal testing in the cosmetic industry should end, as there are viable alternatives to this practice, animals are suffering, and it is unreliable.
In this day in age, we have proven to bring technological advances even further and the same applies to the advancement of science. There are greater and additional options
Almost every type of human or animal cell can be grown in the laboratory. Animal experiments for cosmetics and household products continue even though non-animal tests are widely available. Instead of measuring how long it takes a chemical to burn the cornea of a rabbit’s eye, manufacturers can now drop that chemical onto cornea-like 3D tissue structures produced from human cells. Likewise, human skin cultures can be grown and purchased for skin irritation testing. Scientists have managed to coax the cells to grow into 3D structures, such as miniature human organs, which can provide a more realistic way to test new therapies.
Cosmetic testing on the other hand is completely evil. Although it is better to test some of these things on animals then giving a cosmetic product to a human and just wishing them good luck. Yeah animals have DNA very similar to ours but it’s not a perfect match, and it some cases products do fail and harm humans (Product Testing, par. 1). On the other hand it’s better than not testing at all. So while putting these animals through hell rather than giving someone a faulty product is good to save some human lives, it’s still not right. Cosmetic animals testing isn’t required by law and their are other alternative so why do factories keep killing innocent animals? All
Every year, more than 100,000,000 animals, containing mice, rats, frogs, dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, monkeys, fish, and birds die in the United States facilities for the use of chemical, food, drug, and cosmetics testing (PETA). Animal experimentation pertains to the experiments and procedures that are performed on living animals for insight into many diseases, the effectiveness of new medications, examining the health effects on humans because of products, environmental safety for industry and consumer products including household cleaners, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food additives and agricultural and industrial chemicals (Humane Society International). Animal experimentation for medical and cosmetic use is inhumane
Why are animals used for testing cosmetic and is it need? animals suffer every day because many products that people buy are tested on them. "approximately 100,000-200,000 animals suffer and die just for cosmetics every year around the world. These are rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, rats and mice. ("About Cosmetics Animal Testing." )
Animal testing for cosmetics and medicine should be banned. Everyday thousands of animals are being tortured for science. The experiments that are performed on these poor animals are very inhumane. Scientists have a choice to make, they can choose to use animals and torture them or they can use alternatives like artificial skin from humans and/or animals to see how they react. For example, In “The 5 Worst Animal Experiments Happening Right Now” the author states, “Every year, more than 100,000 primates are experimented on in the United States. Monkeys in labs are subjected to painful, invasive, and irrelevant experiments. They’re starved and restrained, and they’re infected with diseases and pumped
Cosmetic testing on animals costs billions of dollars each year and often produces ineffective results. From Fact Sheet: Cosmetic Testing: The Humane Society of the United States. Cosmetic companies are using animals to test products like skin cream, perfume, make-up and shampoo. As we spend so much money on cosmetic testing on animals, one should be reminded how different animals really are from humans which makes results completely unreliable in most cases. Also, different animal species tested may have one result and another animal species may produce an entirely different result. One test result might indicate that a chemical is safe while another test on a different type of animal might indicate that the chemical is harmful. This then provides the cosmetic company with a failed and inaccurate testing result and could even pose risks to consumers. This makes the testing on animals seem unnecessary since they are not accurate.
At this moment, thousands and thousands of animals such as cats, dogs, monkeys, rabbits, guinea pigs and mice are being tortured, and are dying for the makeup you wear, or skin products you use. Due to cosmetic testing, these animals live a terrifying and painful life. Is it necessary for animals to die for cosmetics? The definition of animal testing is, forcing chemicals down the throats of animals, dripping toxics into the eyes or shaving the animal and pouring chemicals onto the skin. This torturous practice typically lasts from days to weeks to determine the presence of skin and eye irritation or other specific health issues. So, is it more beneficial to humans when a product is animal tested or is it more it more favourable to be cruelty-free?
Scientists use animals because they have the similar composition to the human. However, the result does not necessity apply for the human body. This is because the environment where the experimental animals are placed is unusual. Also, when they are used, they have restricted their bodies. These aspects might influence the result. Dr. Richard Klausner, former Director of the National Cancer Institute, stated: “We have cured cancer in mice for decades—and it simply didn’t work in humans.”
Animal testing, also known as animal experimentation is the use of non-human species in experiments that help to control variables that would affect the human body. Most animal testing is conducted within the cosmetic (make-up) industry (“Animals In Scientific Procedures). The moral and ethical principles are subject to debate and many aspects have shifted within the 21st century. Greeks were some of the first individuals that began testing on animals in order to protect human kind (“Animals In Scientific Procedures”). The argument has come to surface that cosmetic animal testing is morally wrong because many experts are harming the lives of these animals because they feel pain and are tortured in the process of these experiments. Many cosmetic brands still perform experiments to better their product, yet they are harming the lives of innocent animals in the process.
The subject of animal testing in cosmetics has been a never-ending debate between those who approve, and those who disapprove. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) defines cosmetics as "articles intended to be applied to the human body for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance without affecting the body's structure or functions."; this includes eye and facial makeup, skin cream, perfume, lipsticks, nail polish, moisturizers, shampoos, deodorants, scrubs, and any item that enhance one’s appearance. In the world of cosmetics, companies live up to the potential of satisfying their consumers’ needs and wants by testing their latest products on animals. The purpose of testing products on animals is for the
Clearly, scientists knowledge on treatment is based on millions of animal research to some extent. It seems to me that animal research is the key to medical treatment technology even if the testing is considered as unethical by majority of the general public. I believe people are morally aware of animal testing, still, these testing ensure the effectiveness and safety of treatment. Whether or not people accepts, it is comprehensible that we are becoming more flourish. Notwithstanding animal experimentation gives benefits to us, I have a loathing of cosmetic animal testing as it has no contribution to the medical field which people take advantage of animals and sacrifices them.
Some people think that using animals for cosmetics,and testing cosmetics on animals is good and helps the animals and people, others think it’s wrong….. Women, who are the major consumers of cosmetics, largely oppose animal testing of cosmetics, with 72 percent of those polled opposed. Most women - 70 percent - think animal testing of cosmetics should be illegal. Strong majorities of women think animal testing of cosmetics should be illegal, regardless of age, level of education or ethnicity. 68 percent of voters know that animals are used to test the safety of cosmetics.Three in four voters say that they would feel safer, or as safe, if non-animal methods were used to test the safety of a cosmetic instead of animal testing. The survey of 802 U.S. registered voters, including 206 via cell phone, was conducted by Lake Research Partners from Feb. 5 - 11, 2013, and was commissioned by The HSUS and HSLF. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.47 percent. The questions and results can be viewed here.
The field of animal advocacy has historically suffered from a lack of research attention and animal testing for cosmetics is an ugly business. Around the world, many thousands of animals such as rabbits, guinea pigs and mice suffer needlessly to test products like lipstick and shampoo, even though producing cruelty-free beauty products is safe and simple. All cosmetics should be cruelty-free and must stop animal testing for cosmetics as well as on the sale of new cosmetics that have been tested on animals. However in the European Union, Israel, and India have banned the sale of any cosmetics or cosmetics ingredients that have been tested on animals, it is a huge victory. These marketing bans mean that companies all around the world will have to abandon animal testing for cosmetics they want to sell in these huge markets. There are three defects of animal testing for cosmetics, which are immorality, unnecessary and high cost.
Many cosmetic companies recently have came out by saying they have banned animal testing on their products and are now cruelty free, some of those brands are Kat Von D, Anastasia Beverly Hills, Nyx, and Dose of Colors just to name a few out of the 101 that are cruelty free. Animal testing on cosmetics in the US is not something that is mandatory, in China however, they do require all cosmetics are tested on animals first. Some companies based within the US send their products to be tested on animals there rather than here in the US. Most cosmetics are tested on smaller animals such as rice, mice, rabbits, and guinea pigs. The tests often performed according to The Humane Society are, “skin and eye irritations, eating of products to see if there’s the potential for cancer or other defects, and testing the dosage to see how much would cause death.” All of these tests are performed against their will and without any pain relief. The truth is, companies that sell cosmetics and beauty do not need to test on animals at all, there are already safe alternatives that do not harm any animals or humans, such as using ingredients in their products that have a long history of being safe for human use, by using these ingredients no animal testing needs to take place before selling them to humans. Most companies stick to using animal testing as a way to test out new products they have
Most women are oblivious to the harm that occurs in the process of developing their favorite beauty products. The harm that occurs is thousands of animals getting burned, crippled, poisoned, and even killed due to the harmful substances scientists try to use to improve cosmetics. Testing of animals for cosmetics, to some people, is pointless. Animals do not react the same as humans when a substance is on their skin, simply because they are not human and do not have the same skin type. The ugly secret of the beauty industry is that innocent animals are suffering and dying from the processes used to test product safety for humans. While scientific research into artificial skin can help produce cosmetics that would be safe for human consumption