I read Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl for my nonfiction reading project. I chose to do the symbolism project in order to create a visual of the key symbolic elements in the book. I chose to represent the following symbols: Anne's diary, the radio, schoolwork, a yellow star, and the bookcase. I will explain the symbolic value of each of these elements in the following paragraphs. It seems ironic for Anne's diary to be symbolic of her diary, however it is. Anne receives her diary on her 13th birthday. In the diary, which Anne calls Kitty, she records her thoughts and opinions on the people she is living with in hiding, the war, and her experiences in maturing into a young lady. For Anne, her diary becomes a friend who “is more patient than man”. Later, after Anne’s death her father, Otto Frank, circulated copies of her diary to friends and was urged to make it public and publish the acount. An edited …show more content…
Anne and her family, being Jews, were one of the families that were required to wear this star. This star was designed to represent a person who practices the beliefs and laws of the Jewish people and to set the Jewish people apart from others. However in Anne’s diary the yellow star has a more sigjnificant meaning. It symbolizes the whole reason why Anne, her family, the Van Daan family, and Mr. Dussel went into hiding together. The “Secret Annexe” was used as a place of security and protection where these eight Jews hid for over two years, but if the “Annexers” weren’t Jews they wouldn’t be hiding. Notice that inside the star the word “Jude” is written, “Jude” is the German word for Jew. In 1941 Jews were required to wear a yellow Star of David to represent their religion, however for the eight Jews that went into hiding in Anne’s diary, the same star had a more siginificant
In “The Diary of Anne Frank” there are many different objects and people that are symbolic to something abstract. One example of symbolism in Anne’s diary is when her and Peter have a discussion about the star of David. In the play and throughout World War II the star of David symbolizes a deep hatred. It represents a deep hatred because during the time of WWII with the Jews getting murdered and sent to concentration camps they were forced to wear garments with the star sewn onto them. Anne records, “You can’t throw…? Something they branded you with…? That they made you wear so they could spit on you” (Pg 709 P.22). This quote justifies that while wearing the star of David the Jews won’t receive respect and they will be treated with rude and
In the popular book and story of Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl there are many themes present throughout her journal. It’s a touching piece of literature that puts things into perspective about family, warfare, loneliness, and selfishness. Her diary gives insight about people who are actually living in those circumstances from Anne’s point of view, resulting in a more factual story than fictional novels loosely based on true events. Anne goes through a lot during her time in the Annex, including tense arguments with her family, bombings, thieves, Peter, and Dussel moving in. The events may not seem like that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things, but to a young girl, it’s a huge change of events. It shows a lot from her in the way she acts, Anne’s selfishness proving that stress and war can change people to be more selfish.
In the book entitled “Anne Frank: The Diary Of A Young Girl” by Anne Frank, one can come to the conclusion that Anne’s diary, who she granted the name Kitty, can be identified as a character who is the narrator’s best friend because Anne states that she wants Kitty to be a friend, because she has no real friend and that Kitty can be labeled with the characteristic of being loyal. The diary which has obtained the name Kitty can be labeled as a best friend to the main character Anne because on page three in the second paragraph, the narrator writes, “... but I want this diary in itself to be my friend and I shall call my friend Kitty.” This quote occurs when Anne Frank is explaining how she is more pleased
Anne Frank wrote diary entries during her hiding. They are a different way to show how texts help us remember and honor victims of the Holocaust. In “Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl”, the diary entries show how each person in the Holocaust lived. In an entry in her diary, Anne says, “I don’t want to jot down the facts in this diary the way most people would. I want the diary to be my friend.
Anne Frank was a Jewish/ German girl who was born in 1929 on June 12th. While in hiding, Anne kept a diary of her time spent in closed quarters trying to survive with seven other people. In the diary, she recorded her growth emotionally and all the stress that was put on her. After two years in hiding they were captured by the Nazis. While they were being captured, the diary was scattered on the floor. The Nazi’s took it and preserved it until the war was over. The pages of the diary were given to Anne’s father, Otto Frank, the only person to
From her perspective, Anne Frank, a young girl, displays her fear of being discovered by writing down her experiences. Her diary gives insight on what it was like to be a Jew and in hiding, during the time when the Nazis sought to kill all Jews. Although written from a subjective point of view, the diary is considered reliable as it is a personal type of writing, thoughts the owner of the diary would not disclose to another. However, as the first edition of the diary was published after the death of Anne Frank on the 25th of June, 1947, and having it edited by her father, Otto Frank, it does not display an accurate representation of the two years Anne wrote in hiding as his father decided what would be published.
“The Diary of a Young Girl” starts on Anne Frank’s thirteenth birthday and which she receives her first diary. She calls her diary Kitty and she confides everything in her
The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank is organized in chronological order and include the dates important to the Jewish author. On Anne’s thirteenth birthday, she receives a diary she calls “Kitty,” and this is where she records events that happened to her. Anne includes writings about her brief normal life and the life in the “Secret Annex.” She and her family are hiding from the Gestapo during WWII. As the story progresses, more Jews join the Franks. There is great conflict between Anne and the rest of the residents, though sometimes her father is “darling.” After a little more than two years in hiding, the German police discovered the secret Jews and sent them into labor camps, where Otto Frank was the only survivor. Anne matures and finds Peter at her side, even though there is tension between the other Van Daans and herself. Not only is there conflict between Mrs. Van Daan, but with Anne’s own mother and her roommate, Mr. Dussel.
In the first chapter of the Diary of Anne Frank, from dates June 14, 1942, to July 9, 1942, she starts to first talk about naming her diary “kitty”(page 3). She then goes on to talk about how she enjoyed her last weeks of freedom and why her father decided to go into hiding. This was all started when the family received a letter requesting the presence of her “sister in a concentration camp” (page 16). Her father realizes it 's a trick to put her into a concentration camp and forces them into the secret rooms behind the bookcase where Anne family and friends would begin hiding. These first few entries are staring to describe the family 's struggles and how joyful and willing Anne really is.
of growing up, and the affects war has on her life and love. As it is
Anne matures throughout the course of her diary entries, moving from detailed accounts of basic activities to deeper, more profound thoughts about humanity and her own personal nature. “I know what I want, I have a goal, an opinion, I have a religion and love. Let me be myself and then I am satisfied. I know that I’m a woman, a woman with inward strength and plenty of courage.” This shows that Anne matures through the course of her diary, she considers herself as a woman rather than a young girl and sets goals for herself that she wants to achieve. Anne becomes more optimistic even after she feels misunderstood by everyone and feels completely alone.
The first part of the diary starts with her being a regular girl having fun and turns into a girl going into hiding with seven other people. In addition, she has to deal with relation problems with her mom, sister, and the people she is in hiding with. The problems begin when eight people are confined in a small area and everybody begins to irritate and annoy one another. Anne was especially concerned with herself and with her attitude towards the others in the group. She's mainly concerned with her mother who always treats her like baby. Mr. Frank tires to ease the quarrels between them by telling Anne to help out more around the house, but Anne stubbornly declines preferring to concentrate more on her studies. She especially gets plenty of confrontations with Mrs. Van Daan who thinks she is a spoiled little girl. Mrs. Van Daan constantly tells Anne’s father, “ If Anne were my daughter.” Anne’s respond to this in her diary was, “Thank heavens I’m not!” Of course
The Yellow Star was a patch the Jews were forced to wear, this patch had a significant importance during the Holocaust, and the Yellow Star helped the Nazi identify the Jews during the Holocaust.
"The Diary of Anne Frank" tells us a story about how her life as a Jew was drastically changing during the Holocaust and the start of World War II (WWII). She was a very intelligent young woman that had hopes and dreams. Anne was a normal teenager trying to find her way in life. All of that changed when the Nuremburg Race Laws were formed. Her father who was a World War I fighter hid his family and friends in a Secret Annex that was blended in with a normal neighborhood. As she lived for months in the Secret Annex, Frank had written her diary, full of her experiences in the Annex. Everything changed though, when she reached the end of her times in the Annex. Hitler's men had found Anne and her family and friends. This memoir adds in to the
The Diary of Anne Frank is about a girl that kept a diary while hiding from Nazi’s in Amsterdam for two years. The diary ends when the Nazi’s found her and her family. Her whole family was killed in exception for her father. She was given the journal on her thirteenth birthday. She simply summarized her life for two years in this phenomenal journal.