
Anne Frank Symbols

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I read Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl for my nonfiction reading project. I chose to do the symbolism project in order to create a visual of the key symbolic elements in the book. I chose to represent the following symbols: Anne's diary, the radio, schoolwork, a yellow star, and the bookcase. I will explain the symbolic value of each of these elements in the following paragraphs. It seems ironic for Anne's diary to be symbolic of her diary, however it is. Anne receives her diary on her 13th birthday. In the diary, which Anne calls Kitty, she records her thoughts and opinions on the people she is living with in hiding, the war, and her experiences in maturing into a young lady. For Anne, her diary becomes a friend who “is more patient than man”. Later, after Anne’s death her father, Otto Frank, circulated copies of her diary to friends and was urged to make it public and publish the acount. An edited …show more content…

Anne and her family, being Jews, were one of the families that were required to wear this star. This star was designed to represent a person who practices the beliefs and laws of the Jewish people and to set the Jewish people apart from others. However in Anne’s diary the yellow star has a more sigjnificant meaning. It symbolizes the whole reason why Anne, her family, the Van Daan family, and Mr. Dussel went into hiding together. The “Secret Annexe” was used as a place of security and protection where these eight Jews hid for over two years, but if the “Annexers” weren’t Jews they wouldn’t be hiding. Notice that inside the star the word “Jude” is written, “Jude” is the German word for Jew. In 1941 Jews were required to wear a yellow Star of David to represent their religion, however for the eight Jews that went into hiding in Anne’s diary, the same star had a more siginificant

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