
Annotated Bibliography: Feto-Maternal Macaque Model

Satisfactory Essays

Maryana Sova
November 10th, 2015
Evolution Fall 2015
Annotated Bibliography – MHC Compatibility

Aarnink, Alice, Edward T. Mee, Nicolas Savy, Nicolas Congy-Jolivet, Nicola J. Rose, and Antoine Blancher. "Deleterious Impact of Feto-Maternal Mhc Compatibility on the Success of Pregnancy in a Macaque Model." Immunogenetics. 66.2 (2014): 105-113. Print. The authors of this paper wanted to focus on choosing to investigate the effect of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) feto-maternal similarity on propagation in a cynomolgus macaque made out of animals of Mauritian plunge. The Mauritian-determined macaque populace presents an extremely limited MHC polymorphism (just seven establishing haplotypes) because of a solid establishing bottleneck effect. …show more content…

It adds to my paper more in-depth look at what effects MHC has.
Eizaguirre, C, S E. Yeates, T L. Lenz, M Kalbe, and M Milinski. "Mhc-based Mate Choice Combines Good Genes and Maintenance of Mhc Polymorphism." Molecular Ecology. 18.15 (2009): 3316-3329. Print.

Polymorphic qualities of MHC are viewed as key qualities for individual wellness under states of normal and sexual choice. To test this speculation they examined a definitive individual wellness attribute, conceptive achievement. They utilized three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in seminatural walled in areas, situated in regular rearing zones where the exploratory fish had been gotten. Amid their conceptive period, fish were presented constantly to their common sympatric parasites. I can relate this article back to my paper by focusing yet again on effects of MHC on different animals. I can compare and contrast the differences.
Gasparini, Clelia, Leonardo Congiu, and Andrea Pilastro. "Major Histocompatibility Complex Similarity and Sexual Selection: Different Does Not Always Mean Attractive." Molecular Ecology. 24.16 (2015): 4286-4295.

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