
Annotations: Childrens Literature

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Bibliographic Annotations

List 1:

Sendak, Maurice. Where the Wild Things Are. New York: Scholastic Inc., 1983.

This book is about a boy named Max who goes on an adventure to where the wild things live. Max gets sent to his room for being wild in the house and causing trouble. Then Max’s room slowly turns into a forest and Max goes on his adventure. Max gets there and scares all the wild things with a magic trick. They name Max the wildest thing of all and he becomes king of the wild things. Eventually Max gets lonely and comes home. This book has a few valuable messages. Imagination is really encouraged in this story because it’s such a creative story. Also, the book expresses the importance of family. Even when Max is having fun being …show more content…

This shows children that it’s better to be honest and just have fun when you’re playing games; cheating does not pay and ruins the game for everyone. I really liked this book when I was younger because Boland and his friends finally stopped the bully. I thought it was a really good story, and I read it as often as a few times a day.

Wood, Don and Audrey Wood. The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and The Big Hungry Bear. New York: Scholastic, 1984.
This book is about a little mouse that finds a big red strawberry and picks it. The narrator in the story interacts with the mouse; he tells him that the big hungry bear will come eat his strawberry. They figure out that the only way to keep the strawberry safe is to eat it; and they do. This book does not pack any real hidden messages. It’s mostly just a good story book to entertain kids. The writing is very simple and makes it a great book for kids to read by themselves. The illustrations are great; everything is very detailed and it takes the reader into the mouse’s world. I liked this book when I was young because it’s just a fun story to read and the pictures were great. The book doesn’t take very long to read but its a great book for young readers.

Viorst, Judith. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. New York: Scholastic, 1972.
This book is about a young boy named Alexander who is having a horrible day where nothing seems to be

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