
Annu Matthew

Decent Essays

Annu Palakunnathu Matthew Annu born in 1964 in Stourport, England. She is an famous professor of Art in Photography and Director of the Center for the Humanities at the University of Rhode Island. She received a BSc in Mathematics from India and MFA from University of Delaware. She has started photographing since 1986. Her photography is based on her life experience living in various cultures. She born in England on the other hand, she moved to India with her parents when she was ten years old. Many people can't recognize her race because she has a British accent. In addition, when she tells people that she is Indian, people ask her “Native Indian”? She replies them “Indian from India.” She lived in three different countries England, Indian, …show more content…

She tries to catch all the circumstance in India which construct the Indian a unique country. She consumed her photography as a means of building her connection to her background culture. Furthermore, she loves to capture the landscaping in India. As in the picture above, in which two people are maybe getting water or going to wash their face, and hands from the river's water is actually a beautiful landscape. All the other images are about her experience growing up in Indian. Her photographs have profuse memories like to feel them. There are not umpteen faces in her photography because there is a certain distance in the …show more content…

Some of her famous photographs are: An Indian from India, Stereotypes, and Bollywood Satirized. In Indian from India, she compares Native-Americans and Asian-Indians and how they are similar and different from each other? In Stereotype, she displays the life of immigrant and Native-American's life in the United States. Last but not least, Bollywood Satirized she presented a life of Indian women in the Indian society. I select Annu because she's Indian and I'm also from India. I gather extra information about India and Indian society. I heard about countless issues about Indian culture and from diverse parts of India. I did know much about all these issues unless I interviewed Ms. Agrewal. Ms. Agrewal provide her life experience examples for me so I can understand better. I peruse that Annu is doing a great job by working on Bollywood Satirized. She is distributing her point of view to the society and she is showing the reality of Indian society in

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