
Anti-Gay Laws: Russia

Decent Essays

Anti- gay laws:
Russia. It’s an odd country by British standards, with a recent history equally gursem as that of Germany throughout World War One. As a result of the Communist regime and Bolshevik dictatorship, Russia never really managed to industrialise at the same pace as its Western counterparts; a theme carried forward to virtually all aspects of life.
While other nations may simply be intolerant towards dictatorship through the use of flat out refusing to condone it- Russia maintains the facade of tolerance. While relations between individuals of the same sex may not be legally prohibited under statute law, the country is far from accepting. (That’s a sweeping generalisation of course; I’m not for one moment suggesting that all of Russia …show more content…

I mean really, ‘anti-gay laws’, what’s that all about?
The thing is it’s literally as insane as it sounds; any public display of homosexuality is regarded as ‘gay propaganda’, and is therefore illegal. Because the people who govern the country believe that a child being forced to witness the horrific act of two women holding hands (can you sense the sarcasm?) is going to result in that child having a predisposition towards homosexuality.
I don’t know how many times these needs to be said, but apparently the message isn’t getting …show more content…

(Though what’s normal about living a lie, and maintaining the frontage of the perfect middle class lifestyle I really don’t know.)
Pride is such a significant event in the LGBTQ+ calendar; it successfully unites the community, (with the added bonus of revealing outfits and rainbows) while displaying just how far the gay rights movement has progressed. The Pride in London in 2013, and America in 2015 were especially significant, and a cause for celebration, given that the respective countries had just achieved marriage equality.
So for the Russian government to deprive its citizens of that experience is unforgivable. I mean, technically it exists, but a room hidden away from the general public (to conform to the anti- gay propaganda laws) sort of defeats the purpose. It’s called ‘Pride’ for a reason- pride in your sexuality, in your freedom to be whoever you might be; certain people seem to have conveniently missed that

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