
Anticancer Drugs And Its Effects

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Since I began studying pharmacological treatments and drugs more deeply in the last two years I got to be more convinced by the fact that despite the great benefit that drugs provide including: reducing mortality, morbidity and increasing the quality of life and productivity, there are growing negative impacts that those drugs can cause including: adverse effects, interactions with other drugs or food and resistance! Thus, certainly even for anticancer drugs that showed phenomenal transformation in cancer management, unfortunately chemoresistance has been developed which represents the main reason behind chemotherapy failure in the most common types of cancer such as: lung, colon, and breast; it’s considered to be a major …show more content…

A more complex problem in oncology treatments is multidrug resistance, a major technique that several cancer types use as a weapon against antineoplastic drugs.
Multidrug resistance–associated protein (MRP) and P-glycoprotein are the main two pumps that often allow chemoresistance in cancer. (1) (2) (3)
There are various resistance mechanisms that can be developed, including:

1. Drug expulsion
Enhancement of drug efflux in order to decrease its accumulation is one of the most frequent modes of chemoresistance. It can be not only upon drug efflux, also through uptake and detoxification. Anticancer drugs reach cells by means of depending on their chemical nature, requiring either some transporters that permit their cellular entry, or receptors to bind to them to convey their actions unaccompanied by any cells entry. Immediately after this, by the ability of resistance to bring about transformations that change the actions or reducing surface transporters and receptors expression. For example, minimized extracellular receptor expression or transformations facilitate one or both folate transporters leading to defective uptake of folate analogs that are toxic like methotrexate. Furthermore, a boost of drug efflux is often influenced by an increase in ATP binding cassette (ABC) membrane transporters

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