
Antimicrobial Biofilm

Decent Essays

Role of biofilms lifestyle in bacteria antimicrobial resistances phenotype and bacterial pathogenesis
Biofilms are bacteria that can reside in a dynamic yet complex surface-associated community. Under a microscope it can be seen that bacteria do not stick to each other but rather organize themselves in a community. They may also interact with each other to maintain a close relationship. Sometimes these bacteria may not actually have physical contact so they are likely to produce extra-cellular molecules to communicate with each other. Biofilms have the ability to form organized communities, have social life and even coordinate activities.( Li, Y.-H., & Tian, X. (2012).
In 1928 penicillin discovery showed to have enormously success in controlling infections caused by bacteria. Soon microbiologist learnt how to predict the antibiotic effect …show more content…

(2012).Microbial biofilm studies have shown that the bacteria in biofilm have different characteristics as compared to those of free living counterpart, this causes a higher resistance to antibiotics as well as host immune response.
There are many advantages for bacteria to live in a biofilm, it allows for interaction with each other and for coordinated activity. With changing physiological activities, which are the biofilms phenotypes, the bacteria are known to largely benefit from these bacterial social activities which are also known to be contolled by cell to cell interaction through contact directly in the biofilm. Li, Y.-H., & Tian, X. (2012).
Theses altering phenotypes are commonly associated with pathogenicity and virulence of a bacterium. In high numbers bacteria gain strength by secreting virulence factors responsible for pathogenesis. Biofilm infections are often resistance to extreme levels of antibiotic and it is often considered chronic and persistent. Li, Y.-H., & Tian, X.

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