
Antimicrobial Research Paper

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The relentless onslaught of antimicrobial resistant infections continues to scourge the United States and worldwide health care. Despite incredible advancements in technology, an alarming decline has transpired in the development and research of new antimicrobial treatments to deal with the increasing threat. Despite recent attempts by US Congress in 2005 to introduce legislation that seemed to spotlight weaknesses with pharmaceutical investments in antimicrobial research, the legislation was not enacted. In the meantime, more microorganisms continue to become more resistant to treatments, and the majority of the public are unaware of this detrimental trend. In this paper I will discuss how the current trends must be met with aggressive …show more content…

Learning From the Influenza Pandemic of 1918 Known as "Spanish Flu" or "La Grippe" the influenza of 1918-1919 was a global disaster. According to archives the influenza virus of 1918 killed an estimated “50 million” men and women worldwide which is calculated to be approximately one fifth of the world population at the time (National Archive). The tragic events as a result of the Spanish Flu brought to light how important continual research and development of new antibiotic treatments are necessary in order to combat deadly microorganisms. The Age of Treatment Resistant Microorganisms May Reshape the Future We are in the midst of an emerging crisis of antibiotic resistance for microbial pathogens in the United States and throughout the world. Antibiotic resistance occurs when an antibiotic has lost its ability to effectively control or kill bacterial growth. These trends have led many experts that the potential for a “super microbial pathogen” that is resistant to all treatments is in the realm of possibilities due to mutations seen in bacteria and viruses. If treatments are rendered completely ineffective due to resistance then the potential for incredible mortality rates and mass extinction begins to become a troubling truth. Many once treatable bacteria have become increasingly resistant, including “a global pandemic of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection; the global spread of drug resistance among common respiratory

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