
“Apple Inc --- Failing and Succeeding” Essay

Decent Essays

Chapter Seven
(Making Decisions)
Application Case:
“Apple Inc --- Failing and Succeeding”
1) How would you classify each of Apple’s two decisions --- programmed or nonprogrammed? Explain your answer.
The decision regarding Apple’s choice to not license their operating system and software to other computer companies was a non-programmed decision because the decision was made solely on the fact they were the first (pioneer) to introduce an operating system and thought that they were superior with their command in a premium market making their non-programmed decision uncertain of what the outcome would be making the consequences unknown as well.
Apple’s decision to introduce the “iPod” while adding a Window’s version of “I-Tunes” was …show more content…

The decision(s) on not to license their software, may have influenced its success by: Degree of Certainty, Imperfect Resources, Internal Environment, and External Environment. If the “Degree of Certainty” was risky then they would have had a better knowledge of the risks and be sure of the consequences to each alternative. Risk at least provides a certain level of probability that success outweighs the degree of risk that is involved. Allowing that, they had all the ideal resources at such time to collect information about any possible problems, than they might have had the opportunity to make a different choice or allow for one to have alternative solutions. Internal factors that might have influenced the success of Apple’s first decision could have been completely different if they would have had the support from everyone within the organization. I believe instead of leaving the decision to license their software should have been left to management (who also gathered input/suggestions from their subordinates) such as the CEO’s vs. the decision be placed solely on the engineers. Apple would have seen better results working with groups who could have offered input and raised questions allowing; reduction in any uncertainty. In order to better the product or service the external environment plays a huge part in letting business’s know what they expect and even offer suggestions on improvements allowing a company to hear a variety of responses that could have

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