
Essay about Apple Inc. in 2012

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Apple Inc. in 2012
[Group] Case Study

Prepared By:

Aman Chahal
Edward Abeleven
Ruchi Badhwar
Steven Mathews
Uttara Jadhav

Students of:

Marketing Management 6215
California State University – East Bay

Prepared For:

Lan Wu

Professor of:

Marketing Management 6215
California State University – East Bay

October 11, 2012
Table of Contents

Introducing Marketing and Apple Inc..........................................................................1

Understanding The Micro Marketing Environment.....................................................2
For Apple’s Mac Computers

Apple’s Sustainability Position in Competitive PC Market.........................................5

Apple’s Sustainability …show more content…

The Micro marketing environment plays an important and crucial role in Mac’s line of success.

The Company:

“A lot of companies have chosen to downsize, and maybe that was the right thing for them. We chose a different path. Our belief was that if we kept putting great products in front of customers, they would continue to open their wallets.”

- Steve Jobs, Apple CEO & Founder

The sales of Mac had hit bottom-line in 1996 (APPENDIX A). Lower sales increased inventory. Apple was on the verge of being bankrupt. In 1997, Apple reduced their inventory and started making major investments in the R&D department to focus on developing innovative products that would appeal to consumers. Apple also acquired Jobs’ owned software company, NeXT. Apple developers modified the Unix-based code from NEXTSTEP and combined it with the graphical user interface of existing Mac OS. The result was a stable, high-performance operating system that had the stability of Unix and the intuitive interface of the Macintosh. Apple’s iMac was distinguished because it could act as a hub for controlling and integrating the digital devices such as cameras, portable music and mobile phones.


“It's better to be a pirate than to join the Navy.”

- Steve Jobs, Apple CEO & Founder

Apple realized the power of direct marketing and launched their online shopping website. This website showcased their new designed and high performing iMac. This

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