
Apple Marketing Portfolio: Mac Computers Essay

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Apple Marketing Portfolio: Mac Computers Apple is a multibillion-dollar company that we thought would be very useful to analyze since they have had so much success with their products and marketing techniques, specifically the Mac computers. We saw the opportunity to learn a lot from their different marketing approaches and strategies with their computers against the competitors. Steven Jobs and Stephen Wosniak created Apple in 1976. The two young entrepreneurs probably would have never thought their company would be so successful. They first came out with a microcomputer, which was used mostly by hobbyists and had little success. It wasn’t until 1977 when Jobs and Wosniak introduced to the world the Apple 2 that they tasted any form …show more content…

Constantly hard at work to develop new ways to simplify their computers the two men introduced the first I-Mac in 1998, a computer that would change the tech world forever. Since the I-Mac, Apple has been constantly revamping, recreating, adding bells and whistles and simplifying their computers in the best ways they can find. They not only became successful with their I-Mac but Apple decided in 2001 to come out with other Apple products such as the I-pod, different computer software, I-tunes, and most recently the company has come out with the ever so popular I-phone, a phone that combines the features of numerous electronic devices. The ever-expanding business has grown and has been recognized worldwide as the leader in computer design. Making the Apple even more appealing to more consumers it has recently partnered up with Intel, allowing for PC users to switch over to Macs with ease. Apple seems to have their marketing strategies and techniques down to a science. They seem to manage uncontrollable marketing pressures in areas such as social, economic, technological, competitive and legal challenges with success. Social Environment: Apple has researched the uncontrollable social environment so effectively that they perhaps border on controlling it. There ability to adapt to changes in social pop-culture, and appeal to the current times and trends have earned them the sales they most definitely deserve. One cannot not deny the

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