
Applying A Comprehensive School Counseling Program

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The purpose of this paper is to determine my preferred style of counseling, the factors which went into making this determination, and how I will implement them into a comprehensive school counseling program. My journey in becoming a school counselor also includes; my own personal characteristics, my position on ethical, legal, and social responsibilities, as well as, my perception of the relationships of importance working within a school and community. First off, I took the assessment of, “Your Theoretical and Conceptual Orientations”, to consider my personal theoretical preferences. Neukrug (2012) states counseling theories can be sorted into four different categories: psychodynamic, existential-humanistic, cognitive-behavioral, and …show more content…

In cognitive therapy, Sharf (2012), describes, vision is how behavior can influence beliefs a person may not be conscious of or automatic thoughts. Aaron Beck, developed the system of cognitive therapy, describing the idea of negative cognitive shifts. This will occur when people focus on the negative rather than the positive. They tend to exaggerate and verbalize thoughts that are completely distorted. Cognitive schemas begin when people are very young and will continue if the issues are not worked on (p. 371). Working with youth, I have had experience with the cognitive distortions people use. In Sharf (2012) an explanation of cognitive distortions states, they materialize when information processing is erroneous or unsuccessful (p. 377). In cognitive therapy, a way to help change a person’s way of thinking would be give positive reinforcement while modeling the desired behavior. I would help the student, by first forming an empathetic, safe, accepting, and genuine relationship, as well as, helping them to realize unproductive thoughts, and assist them in finding ways to turn those thoughts into productive ones. A way to do this is by, leting them find positive thoughts on their own, instead of telling them they are doing something wrong. In Neukrug (2012) REBT, rational-motive behavior therapy, proposes we are born with the possibility of rational and irrational thought, events are not the cause for reactions, but rather how we perceive the event ( p.

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