
Appraisal Of Health Care Delivery System

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Appraisal of Health Care Delivery System The health care industry is constantly evolving and improving to provide opportunities for patients and providers to promote health and decrease expenditures. The Service, Outcomes and Resource Stewardship Model is one tool that allows individual organizations to objectively evaluate service and implement changes to improve patient and professional satisfaction while improving quality and resource stewardship. With increased knowledge, a Doctor of Nurse Practitioner (DNP) will be able to use adaptive leadership skills to improve communication between health care providers, patients and implement organizational enhancements that will promote healthier behaviors for individuals, communities, and …show more content…

This includes the setting, process and professionals who deliver health care services to patients. The service that is provided is multifaceted to include location, professionalism and standards of care, patient flow, and communication between providers, staff and patients. The service aspect of the triad also includes the perception of satisfaction for all consumers of health care, including the providers, patients and the health care organization (Cowing, Davino-Ramaya, Ramaya, & Szmerekovsky, 2009). The keys to satisfaction with the process of health care include communication and adaptive leadership. Effective communication and adaptive leadership skills in the service triad is essential to ensure that each participant in the health care experience are able to achieve the individualized goals for each encounter. The outcomes aspect of the triad is dependent upon the relationship and interaction between the service components of the triad. The ability to communicate between provider, patient and health care organization will directly impact the outcome of an encounter. The ability of the provider and patient to communicate about the expected outcomes of an encounter depends on the ability of the provider to listen to patient concerns and then communicate what to expect from the encounter. It is also important for the patient to be able to understand what is being said in terms that promote understanding, which leads to increased

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