
Aradia Rose Williams 'Cultural Identity'

Decent Essays

Cultural Identity The person that you are is not defined by the situations you have been through or the people have left you. Your cultural identity is how these things have been utilized through you. You don’t always have the choice of what will happen in your life but you will always have a say in how you let it shape who you are. The actions that you choose to take, the people that you surround yourself with, and the way that you choose to conduct yourself; these things will all work together to shape the identity you have for yourself. And though your past and the pain you face does not define you, it does have a say in who you will be. It’s up to you though what lessons you take from these things and how you will live out your life after …show more content…

Changed her life, changed her name, she was someone all new. Aradia Rose Williams, she was the part of me that just endured. She survived through the losses and realizations of the girl she was and what she had been through. But now, she only had one parent. A single mother, not the same one that she was born to. She had a bigger house now with even less people and less time with this mother. She had two brothers now and a nanny four days a week in grade school which always made her feel like she was too much work for her mother. Nowadays, I like to keep my distance unless I need her so that she doesn’t think of me as a burden or a bother. There were much more expectations in this stage of life like the religion that we practiced and the responsibilities we were assigned. She hardly looked back on the life she could have had otherwise. Moving to Redmond, Or from Boise, ID was a huge change for this girl at age 10. She didn’t like the more personal feel for a smaller town. Being anonymous and small in a big city was much more her style. Moving through middle school in this new town was really hard starting over and discovering who you are all in one big step. She found new friends that were four years older to match her maturity level and the trials in her life never really stopped. She came close to death and always in fear of losing her brother to all the significant mistakes he was making. From these days, I learned to keep more to …show more content…

They are not who I am any longer and they will never exist in any way or form again but they did shape me. Who I am today is a mix of shadows and reflections of lives lost and lives gained and I continue to be a work in progress, as I always am and always will be. Today, name is Aradia Rose Yocum, I was born on April 16th in Baker City Oregon. I have lost a lot of people, a lot of pieces of me and gained even more of both. I am not defined by the people who could not love me or the trials that worked to shape me but am blessed for them to have guided me and shown me the way to who I’ve

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