
Are All Children Receiving Effective Instruction For Academic Success?

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Most people in the United States value education. We are taught that if you want to become successful, make a difference, or live comfortably you had to get an education. The old motto: “The American Dream” This dream drives people to believe that they must do well in elementary, middle, and high school, in order to go to college and earn a degree. This is the mindset that shapes Americans’ beliefs . Education equal success, right? Theoretically, all children have the right to a quality education, but the question remains. Are all children receiving effective instruction that leads to academic success? Does a student’s race impact the education he/she is able to obtain. Are there barriers in place that cause minority students, …show more content…

Let’s examine three questions:
1. What do male African American adolescents believe promotes their academic success and racial identity?
2. What do African American students believe a barriers in obtaining success?
3. How are academic success and barriers to success, related to adolescent development, particularly when it comes to identity?

The terms race and ethnicity, are often used interchangeably, but in reality, these are all different concepts. Historically, race refers to a person 's physical characteristics, such as bone structure and skin, hair, or eye color. Ethnicity, however, refers to cultural factors, including nationality, regional culture, ancestry, and language.

Definitions and Connotations:
Race: In this paper, race is defined as “a set of ideas and that separates people into ethnic groups according to alleged behavioral and physical and traits” It is used to associate power, value, and privilege and establishes a social ranking among the different groups. (Moya & Markus).
Racism: beliefs (consciously or unconsciously) that one race is superior to another. Whether or not a person acts on those beliefs is irrelevant.
Culture: describes how an individual lives and interacts with others in language, food, music, religion, traditions, values, and social affiliations.
Academic achievement: measured by graduation rates and dropout rates, standardized test and student

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