
Argument Against Abortion

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Abortions were illegal until the year 1973 and have been a topic of conversation ever since. The Supreme Court Case Roe v. Wade made abortion legal. Many people believe that women should not be able to decide whether they are ready to have a child or not. I feel as if that is not anyone else’s decision to make. They believe that women should be held accountable for all their actions. Even if a woman is raped, some feel as if they should not abort the child. I believe that abortions should be legal. The reasons behind that are no one should tell a woman what to do with her body, parenthood is tough, and it has nothing to do with people who are not the parents. The Orlando Women’s Center says that whether abortions are legal or illegal, they are still going to happen. Women should have the absolute say so to their own bodies. If they are put in a situation where they are not ready to become a mother, it should be their choice to abort the child. According to National …show more content…

Raising a child is a full-time job and not everyone is capable to do it. If the mother feels as if the time is not right for her to become a mother then that is her choice. Why do people believe that they have the authority to tell a woman that she must be a mother? If a woman is raped she should be able to decide on her own if she wants to keep that child or not. If abortions are legal or illegal, they are still going to happen. Abortions have been a raging topic since before 1973 but more after that year. The Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Case is what made it legal. There were a lot of people who were not happy about it. Having or raising a child is not cheap in any way. It is something that should be completely prepared for. Bringing a child into the world should be completely up for women to decide, no one

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