There are many mysteries of the vast fascination of the existence of extraterrestrial beings. Numerous people all around the world believe that the human race has been visited by life forms not from this earth. For many years now scientist from all around the globe have been studying and researching crash sites, crop circles, alien abduction victims, etc. Countless people are very naïve or blind to the fact of extraterrestrial life forms and do not want to believe that we aren’t the only ones, but in this paper there is backed up facts and amazing discoveries that will make those people believe otherwise. From a recent online article, the “RT News English” states “fossilized algae recently discovered inside a Sri Lankan meteorite could finally …show more content…
The idea of aliens is the skinny green creatures with big heads and huge black eyes. The only reason people think that is because that’s what society has made is to believe. Think way back to the 50’s and 60’s era when comic books and the idea of UFO’s was popular. The government made society believe that because they did not want to the public to know about top secret government operations about these aliens, and the same thing happens even today. An online article from “” says they have had an interview with Richard Hoover, an astrobiologist at NASA. The article states “Hoover claims that in 2004, the mars rover, opportunity photographed what clearly looks like the fossilized remains of crinoid, a marine animal that looks like a sea lily. Hoover showed its colleagues who immediately recognized the object as a crinoid. Page 1. “…Hoover said that less than four hours after taking the photo, opportunity’s rock abrasion tool ground the area where the possible fossil lay into dust. He asked David McKay, the former chief astrobiologist at the Johnson Space Center, why this had been done. The response Hoover received was less than satisfactory. Hoovers experiences while at NASA have convinced him that senior officials are making decisions that systematically ignore and/or lead to the destruction of fossilized evidence of extraterrestrial life. Hoovers groundbreaking research and interview shows conclusive proof has been found of micro bacterial extraterrestrial life, but NASA refuses to publicly acknowledge such a discovery.” Page
The universe is huge and if it's that big it can hold many things including aliens. Many people report being abducted or seeing UFO’s. People have reported, have physical, or have heard aliens to prove they are real.
The things they leave behind isn’t real, so people do it to make themselves get a lot of shares and likes on social media. The things humanity does today, like computer generating things to make us believe it’s there. Another thing is just plain faking it to make us think people really seen something. So in conclusion aliens are just an illusion and spiritual beings and a fake, which proves humanity today is so naive that we constantly put things that aren’t real and make questions for people to answer and start believing it, just to entertain
On 1947 at Roswell, New Mexico unknown debris was found by a rancher named Mac Brazel. Brazel believed that the debris belonged to an Alien aircraft and many others believe the government know something of aliens. Though many think it is true there is lots of evidence showing that the debris and the possible sighting of the incident are false. There are many possibilities of what the debris is if it has nothing to do with aliens.
The United States government hides aliens from the citizens. They hid area for as long as they possibly could and still refuse to allow us any insight as to what is within. They claim sightings are military testing’s or that what some saw was never there. Looking at our technological advancements over the past few decades how could this be possible.
With all our knowledge of everything around us, overwhelming as it may be, there are still a lot of aspects that are unknown to even the smartest scientists. Did you know that humans know only 5% of the entire universe? Yes, everything we know about the Earth, the Milky Way, and all the planets is barely even a fourth of what comprises the entirety of the universe. Knowing that, it would be illogical to say that the creatures on Earth are the only forms of life in the universe. Today I will tell you about unidentified object sightings, close
Extraterrestrial encounters of all forms and kinds leave some kind of evidence whether it is physical or non tangible evidence like a person’s story of seeing a flying saucer or possesses photos of the unidentified flying object. These forms of evidence aren’t always the most reliable as many are reported false and considered hoaxes. Ever since the incident at Roswell, any information or evidence that proves other worldly existence automatically becomes the center of attention and can bring an individual fame and even
The more times that this comes up, the more interested NASA is going to become. It seems fairly clear that NASA does not believe these are alien spacecrafts. However, eventually they might have to take a further look just to make sure they are
Inquiry The idea of extraterrestrial life existing in our universe is well established throughout popular culture. In fact According to Michael Michauda in the article “Contact with Alien Civilizations: Our Hopes and Fears about Encountering Extraterrestrials” “the idea that intelligent beings exist beyond the Earth has been part of the Western intellectual tradition for more than 2000 years” (2). During that time thousands of movies, television shows, as well as alleged alien encounter stories have been documented and spread though out our society. Michauda stated that a poll taken in the year 2000 “found that 82% of Americans thought there was intelligent life elsewhere in the universe” (2).
The conspiracy of aliens existing is a conspiracy that most of Americans believe in. There are many conspiracy theories that involve the existence of aliens. One example of this is, Area 51 is secretly hiding UFO’s in there bases, and reverse engineering the things they find. Most of America believe that because there is such a vast space that has not been explored, there “must be” more out there. NASA states that they have found a planet that can withstand life, and has a suitable environment. The only problem that comes with this statement is, we can’t launch a spaceship that can reach the planet. This problem gives people the thought that there might be aliens or other life on this planet.
Aliens and life beyond earth has been a mystery for a long time. Many people and scientist have been looking for life outside of Earth, or just floating in the sky trying to get video of it. For all of human history we have been looking for extraterrestrial life, and these are the major events of finding, debunking, and moving forward to life on earth
We live in a universe that is about 46 billion light years old. In a world, as massive as ours there must be some form of extraterrestrial life out in the galaxy. For thousands of years ancient peoples, such as the Greeks, have wondered the same question. Are we alone? As our technology advances, things such as videos and photographs are surfacing of people claiming to see such alien life. Whether it is an unidentified flying object, or if it’s from someone claiming to see an actual alien, there are thousands of people that believe they have seen proof. Some also claim that the government is hiding things behind our backs, like the Roswell UFO incident for example. Though many people refuse to believe in the existence of alien life forms until they see evidence, the fact that multitudes of people have eye-witness accounts, the improbability that we are alone, and the idea that we have thought of aliens so long, bring forth the evidence that proves something is out there.
You should think that the existence of aliens is not just rumours. I am not talking nonsense because there are reasons why you should believe that their existences are real and not just rumours. First, after
Grey aliens, also referred to as "Alien Greys", "Greys", "Grays", "Roswell Greys", and "Zeta Reticulans", are alleged extraterrestrial beings whose existence is discussed in ufological, paranormal, and New Age communities, and who are named for their unique skin color. Forty-three percent of all reported alien encounters in the United States describe Grey aliens.[1] Such claims vary in every respect including their nature, origins (ETs, extradimensionals, demons, or machines), moral dispositions, intentions, and physical appearances (even varying in their eponymous skin color).[citation needed] A composite description derived from overlap in claims would have Greys as small-bodied sexless beings with smooth grey-colored skin, enlarged hairless
Ever since the 20th centuries there has been rumors about extraterrestrial life actually visiting earth and whether or not it's real.
In reality, many scientists were skeptical of both UFOs and of alien life in general; they contended that interstellar travel would be easy for advanced civilizations, so the lack of overt contact disproved alien existence. Yet most UFO opponents do believe alien life exists out in the universe, just not here. So they defend the near impossibility of interstellar travel, which contradicts a considerable portion of the scientific community (Thompson, 1990).