
What Are The Arguments Against Animal Rights

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Society view living creatures in two ways: as equal to ourselves or simply as lowly organisms. We tend to underestimate that since they are not humans, they do not undergo the feelings we experience. Animals want to be treated the way we want to be treated. In discussions of animal rights, one controversial issue has been whether to grant animals legal rights. On one hand, many animal activists argue that animals need their own Bill of Rights to better safeguard them against cruelty and abuse. On the other hand, some conservatives maintain that adding further protections for animals is extreme, financially burdensome, and harmful to humans. Still others insist on a middle-of-the-road approach to improving the quality of life for animals …show more content…

An article from PETA states that animals held captive, “are often prevented from doing most of the things that are natural and important to them, like running, roaming, flying, and climbing.” The purpose for the parks are to ensure positivity when animals are enclosed for display to the public. For example, elephants are kept in a much smaller environment compared to their natural habitat. Zoos cannot “recreate the natural environment that an elephant is used to living in” (Animals Facts). However,safari parks disregard animal’s emotional state and focuses on making …show more content…

Americans tend to believe that since the life of an animal and a human is not equivalent because “human beings have an awareness of moral ideas and understand the difference between right and wrong” (BBC). However, animals “don’t want to be kept in artificial environments, have people gawk at them, listen to children who bang on the windows of their enclosures, or have cameras flashing in their faces” (Carr). As a child, I used to enjoy watching goldfishes in my living room swim and eat. I tapped on the glass expecting to see them react. Their startled reactions were one of the factors that built stress. Although my actions were merely from curiosity, it was not pleasant to the fish. This includes not only fishtanks but also animals that live in an enclosed

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