
Arguments For Abortion Essay

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The most abortions that take place are ones by women between the ages of 20 and 24, and majority of the women that get abortions are from minority groups like African Americans and Hispanics, also women who suffer from low incomes. The fact that women who get abortions are young, minorities, and have lower incomes makes sense because these women are going to be subjected to harsher environments. Young women that suffer from low incomes are going to have more of a need for an abortion because they aren’t going to have the means to pay for a child, and an abortion. R. Stein (2008) states that in 2004 that one percent of abortions were ones performed on white women while three percent procedures on Hispanic women, and five percent on African American women (para. 8). It’s fair to say that the reason that many of abortions are performed on minority groups is because they don’t have the same knowledge about protection, and contraceptives as those who are in the majority groups. R. Stein (2008) states that political science professor at the University of Alabama Michael J. New who works with Family Research …show more content…

Even though these two countries anywheres close to the United States, and have harsher living conditions which means that they have close to no access to education about reproduction and contraceptives. Women who are citizens of India have the option of abortion in the cases of fetal impairment, in the case of rape, and parental notification and authorization. Comparing India and the United States the only complete similarity between the two is that there needs to be parental notification and authorization. The only country in the world that prohibits abortion all together is Western Sahara which is located in

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