
Aristotle 's Ethics And Plato 's The Republic

Decent Essays

This past semester in Western Heritage, we have read an array of works- from works about ancient Gods to more in depth works such as Ethics or The Bible. All of these works show serious teachings about multiple things such as justice, Gods, and philosophy. In my paper, I am going to discuss the concepts of Aristotle 's Ethics and Plato 's The Republic in order to hopefully achieve whether or not the ideas that have stuck out to me, are true or not.
In the book Ethics, by Aristotle, plenty of concepts have stuck out to me, and made me think quite a bit. One of the ideas that stick out to me is, an agent is only responsible for acts of injustice performed voluntarily. And, when it is done out of ignorance, it is called a mistake. (Aristotle, book 5, part 8). This to me is seen to be true. Sometimes, you have no idea of a crime, or injustice you are committing until it has already been done, and at the point when you realize that what you have done is wrong, there is no turning back. Another is, justice must be distributed evenly (Aristotle, book 5, part 5). I also think this is true, justice for a man who kills a child, and justice for a man who steals a banana due to his hunger, are not equal crimes. Thus, you must fit the crime with a punishment accordingly. He also says “Justice of a master and that of a father are not the same as the justice of citizens” (Aristotle, book 5, part 6). This one however I do not believe to be true, I think the justice of someone does not

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