
Arjun Most Important Characters In The Mahabharata

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Arjuna was a very truthful character in the mahabharata he was one of the most important characters as well. He was the son of Kunti and King Pandu with the energy of Indra. He was known for his steadfastness and single mindedness in pursuing his goals. His name means many things white/clear or silver in Hindi raj means king in English it means regal and in latin it means ruler. His birth is the most celebrated and it is said that many gods visited his birth he was born 9 months after krishna was born. After the death of his father he moved to hastinapura where he was raised with his cousins. He was also very determined for instance when he and his brothers were playing with a ball it fell into a well. While the others had deemed the ball lost he repeatedly tried to retrieve the object. This is where he met his teacher Dronacharya who taught all of his brothers after helping Arjuna retrieve the ball. Under his guidance Arjuna became the most powerful archer even better than his own son Ashwathama. Dronacharya once claimed that Arjuna could shoot the eye of a bird sitting on a tree and was as usual proven correct. However due to Arjuna being Dronacharya’s favorite he was hated by his cousins the Kauravas. He was also trained in religion, science, administration and military arts by Bhishma. He was married to Draupadi and had 2 sons Abhimanyu and Bhabruhavana. Both of his sons helped in the war effort. He also acquired a powerful bow called Gandiva which helped him enormously

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