
Arlo Kempf's Lack Of Explanation?

Satisfactory Essays

Thesis statements: Although the author of this article is good at providing some general information about its topic and overall seems to be linked together, but the lack of explanation and clarity makes the article confusing.
i. Author has done well on providing different information and linking the essay together.
a. The article contains different information by providing different opinions from various people, such as from student Justus Walker, his mom Karen Walker, and teacher Arlo Kempf.
b. Paragraph and paragraph are nicely linked together with words. For example, from paragraph 1, the “checklist with instructions” leads out the “some questions were hard to answer” on paragraph 2. ii. However, there are two critical problems on this …show more content…

On paragraph 4 on where Arlo Kempf comes out, the sentences that he said requires further explanation even though author quoted the sentence Arlo Kempf explained afterward.
b. On paragraph 5 Ms. Walker seems to reply on Arlo Kempf, but there are no explanation afterward.
c. On paragraph 7, it is comprised by different sentences that Ms. Walker says, but there are not further explanation after these sentences. iii. Furthermore, the second problem is that the clarity of the article is not good, and the lack of explanation takes part in this problem.
a. The lack of explanation can be best shown from the paragraph 4 and 5 on the conversation between Arlo and Ms. Walker.
b. Paragraph two, the author are showing some difficult questions from the white privilege test, but the last sentence of paragraph one is about discussion from students.
c. Here comes the fatal point. After paragraph 7, the topic word finally come out from paragraph 8, and after paragraph 8 it feels like author are just randomly talking, providing information.
Conclusion: Author arises an interesting idea and put out a fascinating topics to attack the readers’ attentions. However, the author did not focus on the group of people that read this article, and made two serious mistakes that turn the article into confusion, without them, with all these information that the author collect, the article will be very educational and can make people ponder about the original sin of white

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