
Army Profession Research Paper

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The Profession of Arms: The Role of the Human Resource Sergeant As Army Professionals, it is our duty to produce clear, concise work. Effectiveness is key to our line of work as a “social trustee” of our profession. As professionals, we go through years of extensive amount of study, practice, and research to ensure that we are capable of expert work. To fully understand the importance of our role as Human Resource Sergeants, we must first understand not only what it means to be a profession, but our culture and ethics as well. These key components are specifically to maintain the profession while the leaders are the components that holds the profession together. Without these components, our profession couldn’t exist. The core purpose the …show more content…

In accordance with FM- 22, Army culture is the system of shared meaning by its soldiers, “the shared attributes, values, goals, and practices that characterize the larger institution over time.” To understand culture, we must understand the different levels associated with it. Artifacts is the surface of culture that includes all the things that Soldiers see, hear, and feel while operating within their unit. Community builds bonds between units and influences cohesion with Soldiers and their families with a shared mission, purpose, and sacrifice. While there are more levels of culture, it is important to know what this culture will do to transition the Army, and what direction Army leaders will manage the change. Army Ethics begins with the moral values the Army defends. We fight to protect the rights of all American citizens. We are called upon to protect the American people from aggression, massacre, and genocide. We must remember that our moral values, such as the seven Army Values, and ethical principles must be expressed through action or they serve no purpose. As Human Resource Sergeants our role in the Army Profession is to take care of our organization in preparing them for the future. As we quote the creed, “I am an expert, and I am a professional”, we should be experts in our roles and execute these roles. We are to take care of Soldiers just the way we expect our leaders and counterparts to take care of us in their delegated professions. We play an integral part in everyday tasks and assignments. Similar to NCOs we are the “Backbone” of our

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