
Army Professionalism

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The purpose of this assignment is to explain how the US Army plans to develop the character of its Soldiers while also instilling professionalism. The US Army has moved on from the days of old where non-commissioned officers verbally abuse their subordinates. The Army is transitioning into a professional organization with professional Soldiers filling in the ranks. This paper will explore what the Army profession is, what an Army professional is, what Army ethics are, the bedrock of Army profession, and the essential characteristics of the Army profession. By the conclusion, you will be able to identify an Army professional, and understand what directed the change.
The Army Profession is a “unique vocation of experts certified in the ethical …show more content…

The changes in which the Army is undergoing is providing the framework for other businesses. The US Army is alone and unique when it comes to developing leaders. While many fortune 500 companies do their hiring from the outside in order to gain a competitive advantage, the Army promotes and develops from within. Every leader that has ever served in the Army has had formal military training. There are different levels of leaders, and different levels of leadership schools to go along with that. The authorities that reside over the Army have decided that not enough of the promoted leaders have lived up to their potential. The CAPE program exists to assist leaders. It used to be a requirement to hold the rank of the level of school. Now, you have to attend that leadership course before becoming fully eligible for promotion in that rank. An example of this is a Sergeant had to rank up before he was eligible to attend Basic Leader Course. Instead ranking up to Sergeant first, it is mandatory for that Soldier to attend the leadership course before ranking up. The leadership courses do not offer a framework for how to be a leader, but rather give you the tools to be successful. As far as instilling values and beliefs, the Army has seven values teaches us from day one at basic training. Those values make up an acronym called LDRSHIP, and those letters stand for Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. Some people have these values ingrained in them prior to volunteering to serve our great country. That does not make them any more valuable or able, but it does assist them during the transition from civilian to

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