
Article Critique Of Li, 2015 Essay

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Article Critique of Li, 2015
Joe Swords
The George Washington University

A journal article authored by Yi Li titled “Is Teacher Professional Development an Effective way to Mitigate Teachers’ Gender Differences in Technology?” describes the results of a study designed to answer whether or not professional development can mitigate gender differences in how teachers perceive technology. The study compares external data collected by the pre-course and post-course surveys of a statewide professional development program. The study finds that female teachers can benefit from professional development and close the gap with their male counterparts. The study was found to have a clearly described research question and hypothesis, clear measures and data analysis, and a clear path for the reader from the research problem to the conclusion. The study was also found to be deficient in transparently reporting population and sample data and one conclusion was poorly supported by the external data.

Li, Y. (2015). Is Teacher Professional Development an Effective Way to Mitigate Teachers’ Gender Differences in Technology? Result from a Statewide Teacher Professional Development Program. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 4(2). doi:10.11114/jets.v4i2.1124
The journal article “Is Teacher Professional Development an Effective way to Mitigate Teacher’s Gender Differences in Technology? Result from a Statewide Professional Development Program” was

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