
Ashli Foster Research Paper

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I chose Ashli Foster for someone who has been a leader and a role model in my life. I asked her questions about people in her life, her motivations, and her experiences. After interviewing her, I discovered that we have a lot more in common than I knew! It was nice to talk to someone who knew who I could relate to so easily on so many topics. The person who has influenced her the most is her mom, Julia Foster. She raised Ashli and her younger sister Rachel in a single parent home and acted as the mom and dad. She has always been a strong figure in Ashley’s life along with her friends and family. The people her mother has surrounded her with helped mold her into the person that she is today ranging from her likes and dislikes to what she wants to be and do. …show more content…

She said that you have to learn to work through the problems, because you will definitely have some, and appreciate the world, what you have and be happy. She also said that her home is a great motivation for her because the people who knew her and took care of her and cared and loved her created this strong bond of support for her. This inspires her to give back, she said she wanted to be a mentor in high school and in daily life now and she really wants and enjoys spreading happiness. It’s the kind of present you can give for free and get so much back. Ashli doesn’t mind sharing personal life and feelings, she sees it as her story; everyone has a story. I asked

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