
Asian American Suicide Program Summary

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The second program is Asian American and Pacific Islander Initiatives by Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act. SAMHSA supports and funds community and college campus projects that aim to reduce suicides and suicidal thoughts known as Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act. With help of this funding, few California Colleges developed programs to prevent suicides among their Asian American students. One of them is University of California Davis. With having more than half of the student body is Asian Americans, UC Davis urges to design a program which is culturally responsive suicide prevention program that its student can benefit of. The program offers workshops which discusses individual and relationship level of risk factors for suicide such as the stressors of being student and addresses high family expectations and its affect on student’s self-esteem for incoming students and …show more content…

It is primary prevention program. It will address community risk factors which includes age, acculturation and gender. High cases of suicide among the elderly population can be attributed to poverty and deteriorating medical conditions which cause a feeling of hopelessness and depression. To avoid being a burden the family which in some cases is true and sometimes is not, the elderly person may decide to end their life. New elderly immigrants may also experience isolation and cultural shock on arrival to their new home and subsequently get depressed and suicidal. Many immigrants come to U.S at older age. Senior Social club will help Asian ethnic groups seniors socialize with each other. Senior club can organize at least 5 different cultural nights every week for popular groups of seniors like Vietnam, Taiwan, Mongolian, Thailand, and Indonesian. It is only for seniors. This is maybe the

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