
Assignment: Global Warming

Decent Essays

The term global warming was first used in its modern sense in a science paper dated 8th August 1975 in the journal science called “Are we on the brink of a pronounced global warming?” The words used by Broker were new and they represented a convincing recognition that there was an amount of warming in the climate. Scientists previously used the phrase “inadvertent climate modification” because even though it was realized that humans could bring about a change in the environment, no-one was particularly sure as to which direction it was going. The word Global Warming was first used by National Academy of Sciences in 1979 in a paper called The Charney Report, which wrote: …show more content…

Nitrous oxide being 300 times more powerful than carbon dioxide. Gases such as chlorofluorocarbons have been banned in many parts of the world because of their ability to degrade the ozone layer. Such gases trap the heat thousand times more than CO2 does. But because they have low concentration than CO2, none of them add that much warmth to the atmosphere as much as CO2 does. To understand the impacts of all gases together, scientists usually talk about all greenhouse gases in terms of the commensurate amount of CO2. Yearly emissions of ‘carbon dioxide equivalent’ have gone up by 6 billion metric tons worldwide since 1990, more than 20% increase.
Rising temperatures worsen smog pollution and increase the number of “bad air days” wherein it becomes hard to breathe. Irritated eyes, nose, and lungs are some of its symptoms, and is mainly dangerous for people who suffer from respiratory diseases like asthma. Unhealthy air pollution will keep getting worse as the climate changes. Across the globe, climate change is the reason for making hot summer days hotter and stretching their numbers to never ending heat waves. As the temperature rises, so are the number of illness, emergencies and deaths. In a way, the heat is causing more than just discomfort. Record highs in the summer of 2010 were seen in more than 37 states of the U.S., and in much of the

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