
Assignment Report Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Exercise 15.1
Required reading only for students studying from the print form of the study materials
Exercise 15.1
When you have completed Exercise 15.1 you will have completed TPP7120 assignment 3.
Exercise 15.1 consists of writing a formal report on six (6) specified aspects of your experience of studying Tertiary Preparation Program (TPP) courses.
Here is an overview showing the general content and structure of a formal report:
Front material
• Letter of transmittal
• Title page
• Table of contents
Executive summary
Body of the report
End material
• List of references
• Appendices
1. Read module 16 which deals with writing formal reports. This provides you with a general …show more content…

In this example, the student has written about balancing his study time (element) in his experience of using a study log (aspect).
Note that a description, an evaluation, and a recommendation have each been included as a separate paragraph.
Example 2
Aspect: Use of a study log
Element: Balancing my study time
During weeks seven and eight I spent twice as much time on the C modules as I spent on the
S modules or my maths (Appendix 2, pp. 1-2). I became aware that I was spending most of my study time on the material with which I was least confident. During weeks eleven and twelve I spent three times as much study time on the C modules than I spent on the S modules (Appendix 2, pp.3-4). I realised, at a very late stage in the semester, that I should have put more of my study time into my study for assignment S5 and for my maths exam.
Overall, I think that this was a positive experience for me. I learned that I need to spread my study time wisely over each type of material, otherwise I will find myself in a panic situation with some courses towards the end of the semester.
In my future studies I will keep a rough log of the time I spend each month on each of the courses that I am studying. This will help me to make sure that I am using my study time effectively for each course,

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