
Astempt: The Rise And Fall Of Ancient Egypt

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The rise and fall of the ancient Egypt
The ancient Egypt has thousands of years of civilizations. During this time-honored history, the political, economic, military and religious system that was unique to Egypt was formed. Despite the fact that this system had helped the Egypt to gain relative stability in ancient time as compared with other nations, it is still necessary to note that it is this uniqueness that is also the underlying reason for the fall of the ancient Egypt.
First of all, it goes without saying that the ideal geographical position of the ancient Egypt that had contributed a lot to the stability of ancient Egypt. Because of the climate reason, people in the North Africa began to concentrate around the Nile, which thus became …show more content…

“They had a kind who to them was a living god on earth, not merely heaven’s chosen. They worshiped deities endowed with human bodies and animal heads or incarnated in crocodiles, bulls, cats, and other creatures, and they continued to do so long after they had become a sophisticated people.” (). From this sentence it is fair to say that people in ancient Egypt were willing to follow their king piously, which greatly facilitated the Pharaohs in governing the nation. Egypt people referred to their king as the Pharaoh. The Egyptians believed that their Pharaohs had the same power as the gods. Under the Pharaoh, there were some officials who enjoyed privileges in the ancient Egypt. They enjoyed high social status, land and slaves, leading an extravagant life. By contrast, the peasants, handcrafts and businessmen were the civilians who lead a stable yet tough and poor life whereas the slaves had been leading a life without the basic guarantee. Under the leadership of the Pharaohs, the ancient Egypt gained rapid development and stability in many aspects. Ancient Egypt had been a nations featuring centralization for a long time. The Pharaohs has all the power including the legislative power, executive power, judicial power and religious power. The Pharaohs had a set of governmental institutions including the central government and the local government responsible for the governance of the different regions in the

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