
Atheism In Christianity

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As Christians we know evolution has long been a subject debated amongst Christians and evolutionist. We believe that God created all things in six days according to Genesis 1-11. Naturalism (atheism) believe out of nothing came the Big Bang, and billions of years of comic evolution. There are some evolutionist that even question the Big Bang for it points to a Creator.

Many Christian believe that the age of the earth is a side issue, of non doctrinal importance, that we can believe in an old or young universe. William Lang Craig believes that it hurts Christianity when Christians hold to a young earth position, others have posited the same statement. This is nothing more then arrogance, trying to puff oneself up using the science of naturalism. …show more content…

Long ages of the planet were given by Charles Lyell, in the 1800's, a geologist and lawyer estimated that 80 million years for the Cenozoic Era alone, which is based on uniformitarianism. That the present is the key to the past, but this based on a presupposition that indeed things are the same now as in the past. There is not one single fact that things have remain the same, for no one was present to testify that things were the same in the past, but God …show more content…

Moses uses the word yôm for day, he then follows that with a number as in first day, second day, third day, etc. Which can only mean one day. as this is a day and night cycle, not billions of years, To suggest otherwise is to impose an eisegesis upon the text. The early fathers and the church understood this and held to this position, just as young earth believers do today.

When God was through creating everything He said that it was very good. How can God say everything is very good if there was animal suffering and death. God is concerned abut animals, why else would God have Adam name them? God told man to to help lost or trapped animals in Exodus 20:10 and 23:12. Psalms 147:9 He gives to the beast his food, and to the young ravens which cry. To say that there was billions of years of suffering and death before the fall of man would be calling God a lair.

Exodus 20:11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: why the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed

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