
Attachment, Separation Anxiety And Erikson's Theory

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During the interview with Robert this week, we had talked about multiple different topics. We had talked about attachment, separation anxiety and Erikson’s theory. It was difficult to get Robert to talk about his past when he was an infant due to him not feeling like remembering his past. My grandfather did however mention a few short stories of his memories growing up. Although Robert had not been able to go into great detail about his past, it was truly interesting to listen to what he had said.

The first topic talked about in the interview with my grandfather was attachment. Attachment is important form of bonding between child and caregiver. My grandfather had not gone into a great deal of information; he did mention how close he was with his mother when he was young. According to Robert, “I was a chill kid with a good bond”. From what Robert had said in the interview you can assume that he had a bond with his mother and looked up to her, similar to what the goslings had done with the wired and cloth monkeys. Although, they were completely different situations: mother and son, gosling and human. Both species had exhibited the same behavior of attachment towards their caregiver. …show more content…

When interviewing Robert, he did not exhibit or mention any form of separation anxiety when he was an infant. Robert had mentioned that “I was alone a lot, my mother was always working”. Concluding, that with the lack of a father figure missing from his life that his mother had to take both roles of both parents. Causing him from a young age to skip the feeling of anxiety because he was too young to either remember or too young to full understand what separation anxiety is. Although, with the lack of a mother being around growing up that did not stop Robert from living a fun life as a child in the

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