
The Negative Effects Of ADHD

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Picture this: you are sitting in your most boring class of the day. You are itching to run out of the room and be free. Everyone feels like this once in awhile, but this is an everyday occurrence for anyone with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Despite being one of the of the milder psychiatric disorders, ADHD can do some real damage for the future of those who have it. It can disfigure your life tremendously by setting you in life-threatening situations. ADHD also causes hardships in school and work, and even personal relationships. ADHD additionally causes severe health issues, due to treatment, and can lead to the development of other psychiatric disorders. Although, the disorder leaves the ability to withstand high-stress …show more content…

Many people with ADHD have co-occurring disorders. Some co-occurring disorders for people with ADHD are anxiety, major depression, dysthymia, conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and substance abuse. Children with ADHD can also fall into this diagnostic principles of other psychiatric disorders. According to the Harvard Mental Health Letter, “54% to 84% of children and adolescents with ADHD also meet the diagnostic criteria for oppositional defiant disorder.” Adults with ADHD have a greater chance of developing other psychiatric disorders. The Harvard Mental Health Letter said, “Two studies of adults with ADHD found that more than four in five met in the criteria for at least one other psychiatric disorder.” Due to ADHD, the risk of developing other psychiatric disorders increases among patients with …show more content…

ADHD gives victims the ability to withstand high-stress jobs and situations. For those with ADHD some jobs are not as appealing as others. Working in carpentry or trades can satisfy those with ADHD. Also, working in high demanding environments, like the job of an ER physician, a sports player, and a soldier in the army. Even jobs such as management or sales can be practical for people with ADHD. To be successful in these jobs, some qualities that people with ADHD are helpful. ADHD gives people the ability to hyperfocus. People with ADHD suffer from restlessness and impulsiveness when doing something that does not interest them. Although, if these people are given a task that they are interested in they will focus and immerse themselve within their task. David Neeleman, 57, the CEO of Azul, a Brazilian airline, is a sufferer of ADHD. The qualities he has obtained from his ADHD give him the spirit to administrate the airline. He says he has gotten an inventive essence and creativity from his ADHD. These qualities have led him to his downfalls in his career, but have led to the ending result in success. Although they have ADHD, people that suffer from the disorder can channel their energy in certain situations. Many people wonder, how do they do that? Neeleman says, “It’s easier to channel your energy into something you’re good at or love doing. Hopefully you can make it more than just a hobby. Follow your passion-- and don’t give up.”

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