
Attraction and Liking

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Assessing Familiarity and Attraction Kayla Irwin and Daisy Antoniuk PS 250 Alex Sanderson-MacIntyre February 28, 2013 “Familiarity Does Indeed Promote Attraction in Live Interaction,” by Reis et al., explores the issue of whether familiarity breeds attraction within individuals in live interaction. The study’s purpose was to explore if familiarity did in fact promote liking in live interaction. This study was exploratory, as it sought to find, through two experiments, whether or not attraction increased with the amount of familiarity the participants had with one another. Prior literature reviewed was “Less is more: The lure of ambiguity, or why familiarity breeds contempt,” by Norton et al., (2007). This review explores why …show more content…

105 out of 110 (95%) within one standard deviation. Those who did not participate properly in the study were not strikingly different, because they were still in the same demographic. Experimental design and participant observation was used for this study. This was suited well to research the question and hypotheses, because the conclusion was based on how participants interacted with one another. The researchers chose this model because it was necessary for them to find out the information they needed. This was modified for the study, due to the fact that the researchers gathered information from the participants after the study in regards to their interactions with their partners. This was modified to explore the hypothesis and get information on a deeper level. What was given to social context in the first study is that the participants were in a lab, which is not a normal social environment. The participants were also one on one for the first study and were obligated to ask a series of questions, which made this study a structured social context. Whereas in the second study the participants were anonymous and communicated over the computer, thus there was less structure. The conclusion stated that there are contextual factors such as age and personality that may influence results, but generally familiarity does breed attraction. Biologically, all dyads were same-sex, so sexual attraction did not influence the research. This was

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