
Australian Dreamtime Mythology

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Entering a Dream World
Myths influence the beliefs, theories, and the life style of people and their culture. There’s a huge variety of myths around the world belonging to cultures based on how the world started. Australian mythology says the myth of Aborigines believe that during Dreamtime the god Wandjina created the galaxy and earth along with Baiame teaching the humans their morals. Dreaming stories vary throughout all of Australia, but are all based on the same theme. “It is a complex network of knowledge, faith, and practices that derive from stories of creation” (Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime Mythology). It’s the story of how everything came to be. The dream stories shared across Australia tell a story within the Aborigines local …show more content…

It’s the story of before everything was made, and how the creators created humans and taught them their nature. “Aboriginal Dreamtime is the body of knowledge; the stories that are passed from generation to generation by word of mouth, the symbols, dancing, songs and ceremonies” (Moriarity). It is referred to as “the time before time”. It has a beginning but doesn’t end; consisting the past, present, and future. Dreamtime still exists all around us today. They are able to perform rituals to get contact. “Now they all sleep underground, but shamans and other interested parties can still communicate with the DREAMTIME past if they inhale the right substances” …show more content…

Wandjina created Earth, rain, plants and animals. The Aborigines believe they have much to do with monsoon season. Wandjina, also creating Earth, and creating laws for the people. Wanjina belongs to the Ngarinyin, Worora, and Wunambal tribes in Western Australia. Wanjina is more than just one body. “Rosendale’s article contains a drawing of Wandjina, which just like the paintings Elkin described, has two eyes, a nose, but no mouth” (Cox). They believe Wandjina once caused a great horrific flood by opening their mouths eliminating the human race, disappointed in their actions. They then spread to different landscapes creating a new society keeping their mouths closed to keep from any more destruction. Over time their mouths were soon to disappear. Another theory, “Rosendale interprets the fact that Wandjina has no mouth to symbolize God “has given the teachings and laws” but it is the elders who “are to speak and teach today” (The Wandjina’s power of creative

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