
Example Of A Cultural Autobiography Example

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There is nothing quite like a Cultural Autobiography to make you reexamine your life and upbringing. I was born into a normal Jamaican family, ten fingers ten toes was all that was needed back then. I was the youngest of two sisters and one brother. My parents were unmarried and my sibling, who I grew up with and I shared different fathers. As a family we never discussed family members outside our immediate families and with only half siblings the idea of we figured our distant relatives were either family or complete strangers. My earliest memory has always been of me and my older brother getting into trouble and our sisters scolding us. The oldest was 8 years older than me and she took the role of our guardian due to our parent’s careers. My father was a Police Officer and my mother was a Certified Nurse Assistant both hard working and devoted Christians. This is in line with the majority of citizens in Jamaica. My story begins with my father, all throughout my childhood he has always been strict and distant. Similar to me, he was raised the youngest among his four siblings albeit in the countryside of Jamaica. He studied the bible and at one point started his academic journey in hopes of becoming a pastor. Somewhere along his journey he decided to forgo that desire and chose to become an officer of the law instead. His early life was marked with humble stories of walking several miles barefooted to go to school in order become more educated. Studying and working hard in

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