
Autopsy: Good Pathologist Essay

Decent Essays

Autopsy An autopsy is an examination of the body after death. It usually consists of an external and an internal examination of the body. The external examination also documents identifying features such as scars, tattoos or other markings which may assist in the identification of the body. The internal examination looks at the internal organs to document any natural disease processes and/or injury .Its purpose is to learn the truth about the persons health during life and how the person really died, These situations include, violent deaths such as homicides, accidents, and suicides. Other categories are suspicious deaths, sudden and expected deaths, deaths in children and infants, prisoners, persons under the care of an institution, …show more content…

The chest organs, including the heart and lungs, are inspected. After any organ is removed, the pathologist will save a section in preservative solution. The pathologist takes blood from the heart to check for bacteria in the blood. For this, he uses a very large hypodermic needle and syringe. He may also find something else that will need to be sent to the microbiology lab to search for infection. The pathologist will send blood, urine, bile, or even the fluid of the eye for chemical study and to look for medicine, street drugs, alcohols, and/or poisons. After the chest has been examine the abdominal cavity is inspected, the first dissection in the abdomen is usually freeing up the large intestine. Some pathologist do this with a scalpel, while others use scissors. Freeing up the intestines takes some time. The intestines and other organs in the abdominal cavity are taken out an examine for any abnormalities, drugs, poisons, and diseases . Once the chest and the abdominal cavity is examine , the scalp is examine, the skull vault is opened using two saw cuts, one in front and one in back. The top of the skull is removed and the brain is very carefully cut free of its attachments from inside the skull, inspecting the brain often revels surprises. a good pathologist takes some time to do this as well with the other organs. Once the all the internal organs have been examine the pathologist may return all but the portions they have saved to the body

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