
Teenagers Should Never Have Cosmetic Surgery Essay

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Teenagers Should Never Have Cosmetic Surgery

In 2012, over 236,000 teenagers from the ages of 13-19 years old, went "under the syringe" to have a cosmetic procedure done (Gilbert, Web). Teenagers should never be able to have cosmetic surgeries because of the harmful effects the procedures have. Teenage minds and bodies are not fully developed until they are in their early twenties. Therefore, doctors are unable to fully comprehend the risks these procedures will have on the teenagers, since their bodies are still changing. Cosmetic surgeries are nearly impossible to predict the health risks of and the affects they will have on the still developing bodies of teenagers. Teenagers who get a cosmetic procedure done are not having it done to …show more content…

It is much harder to know

all of the possible complications that even the most informed teenage patients may be

aware of.

Studies have shown, that adults who have had cosmetic surgery when they were

teenagers, had more complications compared to people who had waited until they were

adults to get the same procedure done. Typical cosmetic surgeries last up to ten years,

so having a cosmetic procedure done as a teenager, may result in a lifetime of similar

operations just to be assured that the health risks stay as minimal as possible. However,

this does not mean that having repeated surgeries will eliminate the health risks that come

with each procedure. Any type of implant carries numerous diseases and health risks

that can be harmful to anyone, especially to a still developing teenager. Also, any type of

procedure involving the removal of parts of the body comes with it's own risks, including

infection, damage to vital organs, and blood clots. All of these cosmetic surgeries come

with an extensive amount of health risks, especially for teenage patients. Therefore, it

is nearly impossible to predict the outcome of even the simplest procedure, despite the

amount of information these young patients may be subjected to.

Teens who are having these cosmetic surgeries are not doing them to look average, they are doing them to look better than normal

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