
Average And Long Distance Runner

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Average Sprinter’s weight-
58.78kg - (0.73 x 7)= 53.73 kg
Average Long distance runner weight-
48.9 kg + 5.14= 54.04kg + 5.14= 59.18kg

Average Sprinter’s leg calves circ.-
37.5 cm - 2.37= 35.13 cm - 2.37= 32.76 cm
Average Long distance runner’s leg calves circ.-
32.2 cm + 2.02= 34.22 cm +2.02= 36.24cm

Average Sprinter’s quad circ.-
59.5 cm - (0.96 x 4)= 55.66 cm
Average Long distance runner’s quad circ.-
48.1 cm + (3.8 x 3)= 59.5 cm

Average Sprinter’s chest circ.-
73.4 cm - 3.43= 69.97cm
Average Long distance runner’s chest circ.-
68.03cm + (3.42 x 3)= 78.29cm

Average Sprinter’s bicep circ.-
27.3cm - (0.67 x 3) = 25.29cm
Average Long distance runner’s bicep circ.-
23.4cm + 1.80= 25.2cm
Before when I compared the ratios of this runner, I found that this runner will be a sprinter, but this player is in the second standard deviation for the long distance runner and they are in the seventh standard deviation for the sprinter. This runner 's biceps are smaller for a sprinter because they are in the first standard deviation for a long distance runner and they are in the third for a sprinter. Also, this runner has smaller quads for a sprinter because they are in the third standard deviation for a distance runner and in the fourth for a sprinter. So, basically this runner can be a sprinter because they have the same ratios of a sprinter and plus if this runner goes to training and develops muscles then could possibly come closer to the sprinters standard

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