
Axe, Find Your Magic

Satisfactory Essays

‘The cleaner you are the dirtier you get.’ This was Axe’s slogan in the 90’s and early 2000’s. Axe’s new slogan is ‘Axe, find your magic’. Axe’s advertising strategy has really come a long way from when they began advertising in 1983. In Axe’s earlier ad campaigns, they used overly sexualized advertisements which objectified women to draw their crowd and interest their target audience. Now, Axe is using a more inclusive theme which allows for them to market to a more diverse target audience than before.
In this analysis of Axe’s commercial, Find Your Magic, I will touch on a few main points and then I will analyze the commercial itself. The first point I will be considering is who created this ad and who they did so? I will also consider …show more content…

The company most likely saw that the hyper-masculine advertising strategy was no longer connecting with many of the existing consumers and would not be relevant to future ones. Although they may lose some of their original customer base who don’t like the new message, Axe’s fanbase and customer group has broadened with the revamping of their message and advertising strategies. Due to this, purchase consideration has gone up and the global growth rate of the brand has nearly tripled.
The intended audience for this commercial is the young male demographic. This is seen by the actors by the advertisement who are all young men but the difference between this and previous Axe campaigns is the diversity within this group. In previous year, Axe’s marketing focus was on young, white, heterosexual men. The excluded audience in this advertisement would be women. This product is market to men by men. This does not make the product inaccessible to women nor are they excluded from using the products but the marketing of the products themselves is mean to appeal and sell to men. Axe, as a brand is moving in a more progressive direction, so it is to be expected that they will open their market to women in the future. This would be beneficial to them as it would expand their target audience to the entire population, substantially

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