B.R. Richardson Timber Products Corporation Case study 1. For the following people in the case, list the comments and observations of the employees and consultants using a table. (15 points) Employee Employee observations Consultant observations Ben Richardson - Somewhat authoritarian and perfectionist - Believes in motivating employees using rewards - Open to communication with employees - Effective leader who recognizes weaknesses in his organization and seeks effective solutions Juanita Yates - Very influential due to influences she has over Ben Richardson - Influential employee who questions decisions made Rich Bowman - Third ranked in terms of influence at plant - Influential through association with Juanita …show more content…
This is due to the fact that he is an outsider to the company and these employees may be suspicious of his intentions. Employees are usually suspicious of intentions of third parties who they may view to be a threat to their careers. They are aware that there are certain weaknesses present in the plant and they may not cooperate fully for fear of being implicated in these shortcomings. In addition, recommendations are usually made at the end of the report by Lawler. The supervisor and manager are unsure of recommendations which may be made, which they may view to be a threat to their careers. Many employees also oppose organizational change due to uncertainty associated with it, which is another reason the supervisor and manager may not be cooperative for fear of change which will result as a basis of the report developed by Lawler. 4. List the problems that Richardson and Bowman see in the plant (do not include your own opinions). (5 points) There are various problems which are seen in the plant according to Bowman’s and Richardson’s views. One of the major problems regards safety. Employees are seen to be working in unsafe working environments where they are exposed to injury. A while back, one employee was fatally injured when working and this led to several employees quitting work in frustration. This is a problem which Bowman and Richardson aim at solving. Another problem involved employee motivation.
Sparkle Company is a Nigerian diamond mining company. Sparkle is a joint venture, 50 percent owned by Shine and 50 percent owned by Brighten. Both Shine and Brighten are U.S.-based companies with their functional currency being the American dollar. Sparkle Companies functional currency is that of Nigeria, being the Naira. During 2009, Sparkle had several transactions with its joint venture owners and outside parties. The details of Sparkle’s transactions are three loans, three expenditures, and one revenue stream. The loans the company took out were $1 million from Brighten, $1 million from Shine, and 300 million Naira from a local Nigerian bank. The expenditures
IgG – funtions in neutralizing, opsonation, compliment activation, antibody dependent cell-mediated cytocity, neonatal immunity, and feedback inhibition of B-cells and found in the blood.
Developing work attitudes is by reducing imprudence that was between the hourly workers and their mangers and increasing job satisfaction and organizational commitment. It is clear that workers at this motor company have the lowest job satisfaction in order of various negative influences that impact their life. First, mangers at this company did not treat their employees as a human, they treat them as machines, that should rich the demand by the end of the day, and called them by numbers not their name. Second, workers have intrinsic value, extrinsic value, and ethical values that ford would not respect. Third, Stressful work without any reward and the work environment that was not save, clean, or regulated at the plant. Finally, week bonds between mangers and workers that create week work energy and losing trust between employees as results the work has turned down frequently. In addition, at Ford Motor Company the physical and psychological
Shakespeare Inc., a private publishing company issued its F/S on March 20, 2012. There were several accruals and events that the management of Shakespeare is considering to determine if they should be recognized or disclosed in Dec 31, 2011 F/S. In my opinion, the important things to focus on subsequent events are the period they effect and if their influence is material or not, so that in conclusion, the F/S are fairly presented.
On a snowy January evening, the Midwestern Medical Group (MMG) management team held a retirement party for Judith Olsen, MMG president. During the evening, Olsen reflected back on the years she had worked for MMG with mixed feelings about her experience. Over the course of their eight-year integration
3. What is Corning’s technology strategy at the time the case was written? What is your evaluation of this strategy? BE decisive happy face or sad face. Defend your definitive position
Operating on very thin profit margins, players in the supermarket industry traditionally either focus on a premium segment or follow a discounter strategy at the low end. Premium players address educated and more price elastic consumers who value healthy, natural and organic food; the share of perishable items for these players is normally distinctly higher. Players that focus on a discounter strategy offer a higher share of simple necessity items and value price competitiveness over premium features like healthiness or organic origin. Independently of the focused customer group it is imperative for players in the supermarket industry to be cost efficient and optimize operations
The United States Court of appeals ruled that the suppressed evidence is purely impeaching evidence and no defense request has been made, the suppressed evidence is material only if its introduction probably would have resulted in acquittal. Given a minor role of Phillips' testimony and the limited impact that Phelps statement had on the jury's assessment of Phillips credibility, Maddox could not demonstrate that so the evidence probably would have resulted in an acquittal. Also, the evidence was immaterial under United States V.Blasco; the defendant filed a joint motion to suppress all physical evidence gathered by the officers and any statements made by the defendant. The magistrate found that the defendant did not have to raise a fourth amendment challenge and its suppression did not violate his (Maddox’s) due process right. For ongoing reasons, the district court's dismissal of Maddox's habeas petition was affirmed.
1). List and explain one concept from each chapter reviewed and how they connect to the facts of this case.
b. What medium would you use to reach each of these parties and what would your relative resource allocation be to each?
Question #1: How would Sheryl Sandberg’s leadership style be described based on the four behavioral leadership styles?
We are writing to you on behalf of IV Consulting Group after closely examining the financial statements of your national retail and commercial building supplier chain, Athina Building Supplies Ltd.’s. We have stumbled upon several issues, which will be discussed in detail below.
S.P. is admitted to the orthopedic ward. She has fallen at home and she has sustained an intracapsular fracture of the hip at the femoral neck. The following history is obtained from her: She is a 75-year-old widow with three children living nearby. Her father died of cancer at age 62; mother died of heart failure at age 79. Her height is 5’3 and weighs 118 pounds. She has a 50 pack year smoking history and denies alcohol use. She has severe Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and had an upper GI bleed in 1993 and had Coronary Artery Disease with CABG 9 months ago. Since that time, she has engaged in “very mild exercise at home.” Vital signs are 128/60, 98, 14, 99 degree farenheight (32.7 degrees C) SAO2 94%
Giuseppe is a 14-year-10 month-old, Latino male in the 8th grade referred for counseling through AB3632 from Hollywood Senior high School under the Los Angeles Unified School District. Giuseppe’s school counselor indicates Giuseppe has difficulty controlling his anger towards peers. She also shares that Giuseppe fights with his peers leading to a suspension from school for three days due to fighting. Giuseppe’s mother reports that at home he is very oppositional especially with his father. Giuseppe’s mother has made multiple threats to call the police and have him spend time at Juvenile Hall if the behaviors persist. The counselor and mother, both report that Giuseppe has an attitude problem and frequently
My decision as the President and CEO of CN, Hunter E. Harrison, is to continue with our strategic focus on continuing to improve productivity and customer service along with a new directive moving forward to continue to grow our sales, profits, cash flow and market value. CN will implement a new strategic focus to expand the share of rail traffic in North America by directing overseas traffic flows on to our network. In order to grow with expansion possibilities in North America being limited and the growth in NAFTA trade declining, CN requires a solid strategy to capture the growing importance of Asian markets. CN will invest and/or partner in international logistics as a freight forwarder intermediary to assist