If selected as the new CP, I will promote the BMHS Goals to make Best Buddies successful at Brien McMahon High School. The BMHS goals are to Be respectful, Make good decisions, Help others, and Strive for success. I will promote the "B" of this acronym by promoting the idea that "Kindness is Key". I will speak and act with respect toward all members, and will promote Best Buddies in a positive light as an organization where all, no matter their gender, ethnicity, age, race, or any factor, are welcome. I will promote the "M" of this acronym by making decisions that benefit all members of the organization, not just the officers or a select group of members. I will promote the "H" of the BMHS attributes by offering a helping hand, and creating …show more content…
I will also promote organization, such as by implementing the use of Best Buddies Binders, where officers can place notes from both officer meetings and chapter meetings, all meeting agendas, attendance sheets, donation sheets, and other important documents. To improve as a chapter, at the end of each quarter officers and advisors will meet and complete evaluations as a group based on what we have improved on and what we need to improve on. We will pinpoint what worked well and what we should do differently to provide the best possible Best Buddies experience for all. We will also continue to utilize social media, such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Remind 101, by updating these accounts with pictures, videos, stories, and announcements weekly. If selected as CP, I would also work with officers and advisors to spread the message of Best Buddies and increase membership, such as by having an announcement at Freshmen Orientation and “advertising” Best Buddies in our school magazine and/or on the BMHS Pride Time Instagram
I am a 17-year-old junior at Port Saint Lucie High School. I plan on graduating with high honors and getting scholarships for college. When I graduate, I don’t plan on “taking a break” I plan on enrolling to a four-year college. I want to study in the medical field. I’m planning on majoring in being a nurse, or a registered nurse or a paramedic. My top two choices for colleges are located in Boston Massachusetts which are Northeastern University and Boston University. While being in college I also plan to have a part time job that will help me pay all my expenses.
Over the past few months as we participated with the “Big Brothers Big Sisters” program, we divided into small groups in order to focus on different aspects of the organization during this project. The project included three main groups: social media, public relations and group planning. The first group was responsible for social media around campus. The second group managed public relations, which made flyers and used other media resources to spread the word throughout the campus. The third and final group focused overall group planning with the kids. This included different activities and parties for the children. As a class we were to plan and coordinate two functions that included the Big Brothers Big
Throughout my school years, I have always tried to be a positive role model for younger students as well as my peers. This year I decided that the best way to serve my school was to participate in our school’s Student Leadership Council. It has proven to be a fantastic decision for me. I succeeded in getting the most votes out of all of the candidates and have had a great experience taking a leadership role in my school. I feel like I have become a much better leader and role model because of Student Leadership Council. I have been really fortunate to be exposed to the Jeter’s Leaders program, since they come to our school to mentor us as SLC members. It has been an incredible experience, and I would really love to continue with it. As an eighth grader at Saint Augustine, we are required to mentor our younger students. I
1. Do you feel that the Bearington plant has the right equipment and technology to do the job? Why?
As an officer, I worked hard to ensure our member’s involvement and guarantee club success. Organizing events was a task that came natural to me. My year as Secretary, I was diligent to improve, impact, and influence the school’s participation. With this being my final year, I want to leave the club with an established program that I know will remain conducive to excellence. Giving back to those around me is what I love the most.
VPB and VenUe are my top priorities after academics and I will contribute hardwork, dedication, and passion to the VPB Executive Board. I strongly believe in VPB’s mission and hope to continue to promote it through my work as a potential member of the VPB Executive board. I will contribute teamwork and new ideas for VPB. As a current VenUe committee member, I am dedicated to my work for the committee and have created a collaboration between VPB and other organizations. I believe that collaboration allows diversity in idea and a bigger outreach to the student population. It allows both the organization and VPB to have a stronger reach and recognition. For instance, I proposed a collaboration between VPB: The VenUe and VSG Campus Life Committee
Some people say that with dedication, persistence, and time people can accomplish any goal. Others say that people are limited in what they can accomplish and need to be realistic when setting goals.
I'm pretty new to reading goals. I actually didn't expect to reach my first goal of 10 books over the summer. Much to my surprise, I met the goal in the middle of July! I'm so proud of myself for actually reaching my goal and I've decided to start a new one.
As a child and even as a teenager one tends to make dreams and set goals for life. On occasion these goals are far stretched and sometimes even fairy-tale like, we tend to see life through a rose-colored glass, not taking into account the many sidetracks life throws our way. At that stage in life our goals tend to be less focused and somewhat unreachable. However, the process of growing up, or maturing, tends organized and center our goals, we learn to make compromises and set goals for our goals. There are different types of goals, short term and long term. I have learned to separate the many goals I have into three main categories: family, professional and personal.
Out of the three goals, (Personal, educational, and professional) I chose two of the goals that I am focusing on and that is my personal and educational goals. For my personal goals, I want to create a big picture of what I plan to do in life. Then I want to break them down in order to reach my goals, then once I have them together, then I would start working on them to achieve them. For example(Specific and Measurable goals), I plan on finding a job that has great benefits and the best rate of pay, and one that does not require working on weekends(Monday-Friday only), and not working overtime.
One of the best ways to follow a successful path is to set goals for yourself. They are important to keep yourself on task and to get to a desired point of self fulfillment. The issue can be how to achieve goals in a successful manner. The issue is "Although people may desire or intend to attain some outcome, they are not committed to that as a goal until they are willing to invest affect, cognition, and behavior in attaining it" (Traci Mann, 2013). This is why it is important to have a set path on how to accomplish important goals. I have chosen three goals that I want to accomplish to demonstrate a Process known as SMART, to help accomplish them. There goals are that I want to finally earn a college degree(personal), I want to make it
Drawing characters, backgrounds, rims, cars, or trucks spends most of my pastime. In addition to drawing, I would also like to partake classes in Animation. Art directors earned $56,880 in 2000, and the highest 10% made more than $109,440 dollars. Artist work about 40 hours a week, but during busy periods, they work overtime to meet deadlines.
A person needs to achieve certain goals in one's life before you can call them successful. Success is to achieve goals, you have set. I have set certain goals I would like to achieve in my lifetime. Some of these goals are personal while others are professional. My professional goals in life are to find a good job that makes me happy, get a good education, find a job that makes enough money for me to support my family, and help people. Goals it is very important for me to receive a good education. Most job fields require a descent education. If I don't have an education I would not be able to function properly at the work place and I would not understand what to do. To maintain a good job that will make good money will require me to go
Starting off with my short term goals. An important short term goal for me is to improve my English language proficiency for many reasons. Firstly would give me the ability to help me with my life in many ways which include the ability to easily contact other people from around the world when I travel abroad. Improving my English language wouldn’t just be for the benefit for travelling or contacting people, It has become an important issue that gives me the ability to help expand businesses around the world and it is a good way for increasing my opportunities to find a good job.
My whole life I have always wanted to become a successful engineer, and graduate from the University of Cincinnati. Some of my goals in life are to go to the University of Cincinnati. Another one of my goals is to become some type of engineer. But as of right now I would like to be a aerospace engineer. To be honest I really don’t know what influenced me to want to become and engineer. But something about engineering always appealed to me for some reason. But lately my engineering teacher has had a positive impact on me and is really making me like engineering and the overall field. So I guess that Mr. Smith has influenced me into being an engineer. My plan b is to be an engineer too. But this type of engineering would just be easier to