
BMHS Goals Essay

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If selected as the new CP, I will promote the BMHS Goals to make Best Buddies successful at Brien McMahon High School. The BMHS goals are to Be respectful, Make good decisions, Help others, and Strive for success. I will promote the "B" of this acronym by promoting the idea that "Kindness is Key". I will speak and act with respect toward all members, and will promote Best Buddies in a positive light as an organization where all, no matter their gender, ethnicity, age, race, or any factor, are welcome. I will promote the "M" of this acronym by making decisions that benefit all members of the organization, not just the officers or a select group of members. I will promote the "H" of the BMHS attributes by offering a helping hand, and creating …show more content…

I will also promote organization, such as by implementing the use of Best Buddies Binders, where officers can place notes from both officer meetings and chapter meetings, all meeting agendas, attendance sheets, donation sheets, and other important documents. To improve as a chapter, at the end of each quarter officers and advisors will meet and complete evaluations as a group based on what we have improved on and what we need to improve on. We will pinpoint what worked well and what we should do differently to provide the best possible Best Buddies experience for all. We will also continue to utilize social media, such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Remind 101, by updating these accounts with pictures, videos, stories, and announcements weekly. If selected as CP, I would also work with officers and advisors to spread the message of Best Buddies and increase membership, such as by having an announcement at Freshmen Orientation and “advertising” Best Buddies in our school magazine and/or on the BMHS Pride Time Instagram

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