
Baby Development Ages 1-3

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Baby Development Ages 1-3
Jada Johannes Babies or children ages birth to 12 are constantly learning new things. They learn from people around them or learned nature. Children develop and grow every year. With every year comes new milestones. New achieved milestones mean your baby is learning new things and has begun to grow into the life long character.
Age 1: At the age of one a baby will be shy or nervous around strangers/new people. They’ll have favorite things such as toys or people. Playing games like peek-a-boo become fun and eventful. Motions such as pointing at objects, simple gestures towards objects, and holding their arms or legs out while getting dressed will start to appear. Verbally they’ll start saying mama, dada, and …show more content…

Babies around age 2 have progressed in their walking skills. They can now walk freely, run around the place, and learn to kick a ball. They’re becoming much more active! Along with walking and running they’ll teach themselves to jump up on the couches, bed, or chairs. Which means it’s probably time to redo the childproofing around the house. Babies around 2 start to be independent by wanting to feed and dress themselves. She/He words start progressing into more single words that are used to identify shapes and colors. Meaning they also can pick up new words easily, so be careful what you say around them. Make sure to never scold your child around this age. Calming redirect them or set a small boundary as to what he/she can and can’t do. While at the playground or gatherings 2 year old will start to be less scared of new people and be more open. Age 3: By age 3 your now, what they call “toddler” is very energetic! Running, playing, jumping. They sort objects and put their toys away. They can possibly ride a tricycle, along with not falling off or not falling as much in general. He/She can complete a puzzle that is at their age level, also will start playing make believe with their toys. They talk openly saying 500-700 words and telling small stories. 3 year olds are at a great age, because of how playful they

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