
Baby Drake Study

Decent Essays

From the evidence that I collected during the geniverse experiment, I can support Tamora’s claim that each baby drake receives half of its genetic information from the father and the other half from its mother. The first piece of evidence that I had was during the third case, specifically involving meiosis. Meiosis is a special type of cell division which results in four gametes that have half the genes that the parent has. In the meiosis we were able to see that each parent contributed three chromosomes from one of their gametes to make a total of six chromosomes in each baby drake. If three of the six come from one parents and the other three come from the other parent then that supports the claim that a baby drake receives half of its genes from its mother and the other half of his genes from his father, so each parent contributes an equal about of genes to the offspring. Now that we have established that meiosis supports by claim, i wonder if the parents that the genes come from can be used to support my claim?
The secondary piece of evidence …show more content…

This can be used to support my claim using a punnett square (figure 5), just like my last piece of evidence. Because metallic is the dominant gene even though it only makes up one of the four alleles, half of the baby drakes have the metallic phenotype. Although this might look like the mother's genes are stronger you can explain with a punnett square that each baby drake receives half of its genetics from the mother and half of its genetics from the father. We have now supported my claim with three pieces of evidence, but that doesn’t make it correct. In order to be sure that my claim is correct then we would have to find evidence to support the fact that the other claims are

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