
Bachelor Thesis on Business Intelligence Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Studium licencjackie
Kierunek: Quantitative Methods in Economics and Information Systems
Specjalno´c: Methods of Decision Analysis s´ Forma studiów: stacjonarne

Evaluation and comparison of Business
Intelligence platforms as systems supporting decision-making in small and medium-sized companies in Poland

Warszawa 2013


Business Intelligence (BI) systems are applications that are used to enhance decisionmaking in organizations. However, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in
Poland has only recently begun to discover the benefits of these systems. This study elaborates on the architecture of these applications as well as identifies the advantages of BI platforms — it demonstrates how BI …show more content…

Business Intelligence presents a veritable opportunity for organizations to support and improve their decision-making processes. This study begins with the presentation of BI systems, outline of problems they help overcome and methodologies applied to choose the best BI application.


Problem formulation

On a daily basis companies make decisions which are subject to certain risks. In order to limit these risks and be able to rapidly make efficient decisions, businesses need access to the right information at the proper time. This information often resides hidden in flat files, databases, ERP systems etc.
Endeavouring to gain access to and facilitate the flow of information that would translate into improved business performance, this study proposes the implementation of a
Business Intelligence system; a software tool designed to process data, gather information and track trends and display companies’ financial results.
However, before a BI tool is developed by a business entity, a decision need to be made which development platform should be implemented. Nevertheless, frequently no comparisons are conducted between BI systems offered by different suppliers as

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