
Bal Case Study Essay

Better Essays

BAL Case Study

Josh Clark

PMAC 2001714
Executive Summary

The continued advances in procurement and information technologies, have presented BAL an opportunity to build on initiatives put in place since 1999. The P-Card initiative has produced cost savings through the shortening of procurement process for non traceable generic goods, but new e-based initiatives must be sought to further stream line the bidding and contracting process.

One tool presently available is e-buy. A tool developed with other large buyers and our Parent company Boeing. Since 80% of the procurement transactions are for these “day-to-day” buys, it is imperative these new processes target this segment. Making the process dimplier and more efficient on …show more content…

To facilitate this, real time availability of web based data needs to be provided the ADF on project status. Presently, this is a problem due to our “legacy” systems we now have in place.

Any decision we make, in regards to system upgrades, must take into account the core directive of our business – “To create shareholder value through the provision of customer focused space communications’ and system support solutions.” – BAL Vision Statement. We have implemented various procurement initiatives since 1999, and must continue to look at ways to lower over all cost and to create added value, to both our shareholders and customers. We are in the business of “System Support”, and cannot continue to “sit on the fence” in the age of continued technological advances in procurement practices. If we do, we run the risk of losing our strategic advantage amongst our competitors, and alienating our most important customer, the ADF. Because of the size of BAL, a complete “cleansing” and re-tooling of our present system could be cost prohibitive.

After analyzing the BAL situation, and recommendations from the MMPC, I have come to the following realizations concerning the legacy systems we have in place, our alternatives and the directions we need to head in regarding future procurement practices, systems and supplier/customer management. 1. E-Commerce
While the P-card program has been successful in reducing procurement process times, it is

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