
Bar Mitzvah Essay

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What's Judaism

What's bar mitzvah

Judaism is a monotheistic based around their sacred text called the torah which consists of the 5 books of Moses that god gave to Moses on mount Sinai.

The key beliefs of Judaism are rules and knowledge about there one god that they believe in these are They believe that god rewards the good and punishes the bad, there god is not male or female, he can never die and has always existed, god is everywhere any time and he communicates with everyone in different ways. They carry out rituals in order of the religion.

One of the key features of Judaism beliefs is there all based around the understanding of god which are, They believe that god rewards the good and punishes the bad, there god is not male or female, he can never die …show more content…

The words Bar mitzvah translates to son of commandment. The overall purpose of the bar mitzvah is so the boy can finally be a man and read prayer. After the reading the boy delivers a tiny speech often about applying their life into the weekly portion of the torah it often starts with "today I am a man", in the older days there was no celebration but still after the service even he was presented with a gift, most of the gifts given after a bar mitzvah is money, but many other things can be given, when you are invited to a bar mitzvah you must attend the service as well as then party or celebration it is expected you bring a gift to the celebration, there is a very similar ritual to this but it's for girls aged of 12 which is called bat

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