
Baron Eq2.0 Is Designed Measure Emotional Intelligence Essay

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The following table is titled BarOn EQ2.0 Results. The BarOn EQ2.0 is designed to measure emotional intelligence. The following table displays the total EQi 2.0 score, the composite scores, and content scores (each score delves deeper into specific details regarding one’s results). The table is to read from left to right. A score of 0 to 90 is considered a low range, a score of 90-110 would be considered mid range, and finally a score of 110 to 140 would be considered the high range. The total score of 89 is a result of the average of all my scores, this would be considered the low range, just below the mid range area.
BarOn EQ2.0 Results
Table 1. BarOn EQ2.0

EI Results
Total EI 89
Self-Perception Composite 90
Self Regard 74
Self-Actualization 101
Emotional Self-Awareness 104
Self Expression Composite 76
Emotional Expression 85
Assertiveness 81
Independence 78
Interpersonal Composite 100
Interpersonal Relationships 92
Empathy 110
Social Responsibility 97
Decision Making Composite 88
Problem Solving 96
Reality Testing 93
Impulse Control 83
Stress Management Composite 97
Flexibility 108
Stress Tolerance 97
Optimism 90

Source: BarOn EQ2.0

MSCEIT Results- Chart 1 The following chart is titled the MSCEIT scores chart. The MSCEIT assessment is designed to measure one’s emotional intelligence. The data on this chart was gathered from the MSCEIT report which contains the following information that are to be noted as very low, low, medium, high, and very high

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