
Baroque And Romeo Similarities

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Baroque and Rococo were two periods of architecture and design that were very close to each other both in style and time periods. Some people classify these two movements as one single period of architecture while others feel that there's enough distinctive differences that they should each be seen as their own movement.

One major difference between Baroque and Rococo is that Baroque was used primarily to bring the people back into the catholic church and not much in the secular home, while Rococo was used primarily in secular spaces in order to praise the ruler of that area like in the Palace of Versailles for Louis XIV. Because so many people had parted ways with the catholic church, the Italy began the Baroque movement to create beautiful and elaborate churches with oversize detailing to convey an idea that there was something greater than life. Rococo, while also very elaborate, was focused more on luxury and making things as expensive as could be.

A similarity between the two is the over sized scale. In Baroque and Rococo the architectural detailing was all over sized and created an illusion of the people inside the buildings being smaller than normal. This was used by having column shafts begin a little below eye level, or having large statues and monuments inside of the spaces. Another similarity is the constant use of S and …show more content…

Chinosierie included Chinese elements into the decor and ornamentation of the spaces. Benosierie was a form of wall carving that were usually floor to ceiling designs. These two elements were not included in the Baroque designs. Also, during Rococo the women's fashion included over sized dresses and hence French doors had to be used throughout the different spaces and rooms in order to allow royalty to go in and out of the rooms without problem, which was another design aspect that was not seen in Baroque

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